Anyone ever use that legal herb stufff called like K-2?

A gas station near me recently started selling it and I was wondering if it just burns and tastes like crap or if it's half way decent because my dealer got arrested the other day and I'm itching to smoke something. :P


ive tried stuff like it called spice and all kind of stuff its all the same and it will give i head change but it want compare to the real stuff.


Active Member
some legal 'herbs' give you some little buzz most ive tried tasted like shit but some wernt bad....some tasted like berries


Well-Known Member
Check it out, that stuff just triggers the same receptors as marijuana. It's synthetic spray that is pretty much thc and they put it on that stuff. don't smoke too much because the material it's on is hazardous. You can order the spray online. but I've smoked quite a bit of spice/k2, it's pretty good substitute, same efffects as weed. but the 1st time you smoke it, it's really strong like it's the 1st time you've smoked weed. then every time after it's just like an average high.


Active Member
I have smoked it a couple times to give it a fair chance. And wouldn't touch the stuff again. There is no substitute for bud