Anyone familiar with making solvent-free hash oil?

Nitrogen is used(not as a solvent) to achieve the low temperatures, then some type of equipment is used to transmit high frequency wavelengths towards the bud, resulting in the trichomes falling off. Don't know whats done next or what temperature or type of equipment or frequency or if they use sound or light(i was guessing sound tho, as certain light may deteriorate the THC and other cannabinoids). But from what I got out of the guy who works at the club. This solvent free extract retains more of the other cannabinoids, besides THC because it doesn't use heat like other processes that destroy other cannabinoids.
ROFLMFAO whoa shit that's a good one.
I've seen a thread regarding vaporizing the oil using heat and then condensing it back to an oil using a chilled surface.
I know, I posted that shit. You guys fail to acknowledge that it is first obtained as a scfe in the form of a raw bds. Then it is vaporized at a specific temp, collected after it condensates, then reheated at a higher temperature to get another isolated fraction that is purified. You have got solventless definition misunderstood. DRY SIEVE W OR W OUT DRY ICE. Since the solid co2 isnt a liquid or a scf, that would be a case of no solvent used. You guys need to brush up on IDEAL GAS LAWS. A lot less comical than your hypothesis from the dispensary worker can explain. Well kept secrets.
From what I've seen of his youtube videos and/or online postings, oilmkr420 does indeed show a small scale, inexpensive albeit non-laboratory grade facility. As the owner of a SFE system (built by Eden) here in Seattle I appreciate what oilmkr420 has shown everyone and it does work on a very small scale. However, for a large scale, quantifiable, batch tested, consistent end result equipment along the lines of what Eden (and others) produces is the industry standard. FYI, I'm new here, but I've uploaded great phase diagram for SFE. If it's not appearing, someone one let me know if they are interested in still viewing it.
Thank you, thats why I pride my work so much. You see Eden Labs was formed as a group of focused scholars who specialized in the art and took extracting so serious they have the most reputable company around. To make a living on extracting is difficult. They deserve all the attention they get for the things they write books on. That is a group of scholars who contribute their findings together and develop methods people will employ as simple as possible. They are part extractor and sales reps. Weed isnt something they want to do. Not that they can't, but liability varies state to state and federal legalities prohibit their advancements. I know exactly why, where, and how to get out of any legal situation that can arise. It's why I am so easy to find. I'm on front street more than anyone else in the biz. I offer so much more savings to the common person, I am surprised Eden hasn't had me snuffed. So it can be done w out lab equipment, it can be done relatively affordable, and there isn't a cheaper way to get this done. I spent a few grand researching this field and perfecting methods, making sure it could be predicted its outcome. So I have scholars that give really quality work, but I am no slouch and do have industrial scale or analytical scales available along w basic tutorials that have people doing cosub2 extracts in about three hrs.
Teach me your ways brutha, I am more than interested in your method of extraction and I want to learn from someone with experience like you. Get back to me if you can help
I'm down for decaffeinated coffee and the needs of the people to taste their bean minus the rush. Supercritical CO2 extraction is a fun and sound method towards piecemeal cannabis extracts, but I feel more on the side of whole plant idealism. The last decade's trend towards science after the fact and the mechanical effort to market potency via industrial logic cannot make up for the genetic primacy of cannabis' potential and/or ideal.
Is anyone familiar with the process of making solvent-free hash oil(water is a solvent too)? It's not impossible, it can be done, just because you don't know how or haven't heard of it doesn't mean it's not possible. A local dispensary has it and it is phenomenal. They say the vendor who makes it doesn't want his secret getting out, so I've taken it upon myself to find out. Anyone have anything?

HEY GUYS! Did some more research and asked the guy at the dispensary a bunch of questions and he answered what he could(yes or no answers). So I got the basic idea of how this works...The guy who makes it uses nitrogen, but not as a solvent, just to achieve a specific cold temperature, then they use some type of high frequency to make the trichome heads fall off of the bud. That's all I know so far...WHERE ARE MY CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AT?!
Water is not a solvent...........