Anyone get cockroaches


Active Member
I picked something up a washer machine off Craigslist and 2 days later I see a cockroach running underneath it. I am freaked the fuck out I'm in like a state of panic I have never seen one before this. It's like a fucking nightmare. What can I do I don't want the exterminater man wondering around my house. I only saw the one but I'm afraid that they have gotten into my house now from this thing. What do I do?


Well-Known Member
Lift up the washer and SQUASH IT. LIKE A MAN.
jk ide be freaked the fuk out too, but u gotta work up the balls to look in the washer and all around it.


Active Member
O I killed the one I saw I cleaned it all out and shit but I'm just afraid that there in my house now and I'm gonna be infested. What are the odds this guy was alone? Wishful thinking at best. I'm not freaked out by the bug but I'm concerned for the fear of getting infested with the things.


Well-Known Member
1st take that washer outside. And normally if you see one there are many many more. Cockroaches are A sexual (they don't need a mate to propagate).


Active Member
I moved this washer in 3 days ago. Im afraid if there was more than one it could of found itself a new hiding spot. I mean I moved this thing down a couple stairs. Wheeled it over 200 ft through grass down a hill loaded it into a truck drove 45 mins and then unloaded from a truck carried it into my house. I am hoping that along the way we lost his friends an he was all alone. I'm gonna be like mission impossible hovering over my bathroom floor waiting to see if anymore come out tonight. Lol


Active Member
That's what I'm thinking should I take this thing back outside and wait a couple days? My only concern is that it's already been in my house for 4 days at this point because I can't get home until 7 tonight.