anyone get their wisdom teeth taken out before?


Well-Known Member
I'm young and just got my wisdom teeth taken out. I've been reading a l. ot of horror stories of long recovery and dry socket and infections. How common are these? Seems like they come whether you're doing your recovery remedies.

Thanks for any insight or reassurance you can give


Well-Known Member
Never had dry socket with mine, I just followed the dentists instructions...had some pain pills and all good


bud bootlegger
i had all of mine and two molars removed all at the same time.. some of mine were impacted, and i was only under nos at the time of surgery...
i remember the dr saying you'll feel a bit of pressure here as he was yanking at teeth that felt like they were attached to my soul at the other end, lol..
i also remember making drilling noises out loud while he was using the drill because i was so juiced up on nitrous, lol.. the dr even stopped to ask if i was ok.. i was all, hell yah, i'm ok, give me more juice, lol...

i didn't get dry socket or any of that shit, but man, that had to have been one of the most painful surgeries i've ever had.. i think it was mostly due to mine being impacted though..

hope you have a speedy and pain free recovery... :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah neither me or any of my friends got dry socket when we were that age. Fuck we all smoked the same day as the operation. Just throw some gauze in your mouth and it will be fine. Do the rinse with salt water after it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Mine was pretty much pain free, just had novacaine. All I ccould feel was the pressure. He even had to split one down the middle because it wouldn't come out in one piece. Again, no pain, just felt the tugging.

Most of the achiness after was from all the novacaine shots, and that was gone the next day


Well-Known Member
Nope. When I was 15 a had surgery to remove cancerous systs from my jaw. That required removing some of my adult teeth. But it also allowed my wisdom teeth to come in with no pain or discomfort.


Well-Known Member
Hurt for one day, I dont like the blood taste so I drank beer, if you are young dont do that. Dont smoke for a day or so either that is how you get dry socket. If you do smoke put a cotton ball on the wound smoke than take it out.


Well-Known Member
Recovery time isn't bad as long as the asshole isn't standing on your jaw to break through the wisdom tooth. Yes, that's from experience. One side of my jaw healed in like 3 days and I felt great. The other side, I could still feel where he tortured me for about 3 months. lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm young and just got my wisdom teeth taken out. I've been reading a l. ot of horror stories of long recovery and dry socket and infections. How common are these? Seems like they come whether you're doing your recovery remedies.

Thanks for any insight or reassurance you can give
Just had my last tooth taken out. First 3 were taken out years ago and broke the skin and were easy to pop out.

This last one grew sideways and they really had to dig to get it out.

If you can, wait till they break the surface then get them popped out, but if u cant wait then u gotta do it before the teeth ruin the ones beside them.


Well-Known Member
yeah......the fine ass Mexican assistant bitch told me not to drink or smoke.......I went home and got high as fuck.....

ted bundy

Active Member
Lolz.... I have compacted wisdom teeth. Since i dident have insurance and dident want to pay, doc told me just to brush my teeth few times a day and not let it get infected. Suckers


Well-Known Member
Yes. All four of them, and they were all compacted. I was 18 when I had them taken out.

It's really not that bad. I never had any dry sockets or infections and I was smoking weed the next day. I'm not saying you won't get them, but I didn't.


Well-Known Member
Yes. All four of them, and they were all compacted. I was 18 when I had them taken out.

It's really not that bad. I never had any dry sockets or infections and I was smoking weed the next day. I'm not saying you won't get them, but I didn't.
The doctor had to practically jump on the tool to crack my wisdom's......some were so deep he had to crack them into four pieces


Well-Known Member
The doctor had to practically jump on the tool to crack my wisdom's......some were so deep he had to crack them into four pieces
Haha, damn, dude!

I don't remember this, but my mom was in the room with me when I was waking up from the anesthesia. Apparently I said something akin to, "I want vicodin, or oxycodone, and I'm not leaving til I get it!" Apparently I repeated this about four or five times. I do remember this though: walking out from the dentist office, I just remember stumbling down the hallway and just laughing at nothing. My mom was cheesing out at me cheesing out.

In the end, I did get my vicodin. Only to discover that if I took enough to get "high" it just made me sick. Thus I discovered that opiates were not for me.


Well-Known Member
Well the surgery wasnt bad. The worse part was at the beginning and didn't expect how hard the iv hit me. So far recovery has been good except the day i came home. Which i went through a lot of pain and nausea. Next day better. Today is pretty goody. Just waiting for the stitches to dissolve and hole to heal.

Thanks the the reassurance guys.