@Mr Blamo....thanks
My internet is stellar (Fiber Optics 150 mbés)
The android box i will check out. I might need one with more flash mem
Android box, can be difficult to add system rom but SOME can allow you to use an SD card for system. If you have a 1Gb system rom box, then there's not much that can change that unless you can hack it out and change the configuration. Using "wired" or "wifi" can make a huge difference, "wired" obviously being better.
You need an Android box with at least 2Gb system rom and, ideally, a wired connection which is why I went the miniPC route, now on Linux instead of Winblows, as even though the cost was higher I knew what the benefits would be thanks to the 1Tb hard disk would be.
So the first thing I think of, since I don't know what you have, is to avoid 4k, 1080p and even 720p streams and select "SD", "Standard definition", streams instead of anything classed as "HD", "High Definition", as the amount of data the box has to handle at any time is easier on your system.