Anyone good with taxes I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
So I worked as a private contractor in the 2nd half of last year and made aprrox $6,000.

The person I worked for asked me for my social today so they could "1099 me."

How likely am I to get away with not filing that?

I am going to have to file a return from where I drew unemployment, but was not wanting to claim the other $6,000 I made from my side job. Will I have to?

Anyone who knows about this please lmk.

Thanks in advance!
Under $8,000 gross income doesn't have to be filed. It is under the standard deduction.

Any other words if you made less than $8,000 on the year, No need to file .
Without knowing your filing status I couldn't tell you for sure.

If you were single head of household you dectution would be higher.
Yea, since I first posted I've been looking into just biting the bullet, and trying to claim enough deductions to offset the earnings.

Any advice on that would help.
I will be filing married filing jointly btw.
It will absolutely be checked and found by the IRS and you don't want to face the penalties and interest 10 months down the road. Suck it up, pay the taxes and eliminate the constant stress you'll live under if you don't- it's not worth it!

It won't be that much anyway, since you are not a high earner.