Pretty well. I wish I were growing it now in my outdoor, but I couldn't find it by the time I was ready for outdoor plants. It's supposed to be a good mold-resistant plant with a short flower time, perfect for Oregon outdoor grows... That said, my patient prefers Sativa dominant strains, and said this Indica dominant one makes her drowsy, so its a nice end of the day toke. It wasn't a huge producer, but the GG#4 took over the tent, so the OD needed to be a stronger competitor to thrive in there.
Funny, sad, or stupid story, depends how you choose to see it. For me, I simply did something stupid. We decided to make tincture out of it and I hadn't made any in almost a year, and totally wasn't thinking. I put a tray of ground up bud into the toaster oven and then turned it on to about 200º to decarb it. Fucking Duh. The heat does not come on gradually, it comes on full force (the coils only have one temperature, "on"). So, in the time that it took to "warm" up to 200 degrees the blast of heat effectively vaped the entire tray of buds. Smoke and steam came wafting out of the toaster oven, and you could smell pot every time we used it for a week or so after. We're lucky that we have more than we need, so I could afford to be an idiot that day. Had to relearn my rookie lessons: use a regular oven not a toaster oven, and PRE-heat the oven.
I found a couple of pics of the OD close to harvest... the one with two buds is GG#4 up front, OD in the back/top.