anyone growing any food hydroponically indoors at home?


New Member
I see this banner add on prisonplanetdotcom - Depression Then and Now In the "great" depression after the 1929 stock market crash there was tremendous hardship, unemployment and, millions of Americans actually starved to death. As more and more families became destitute, parents, who could no longer feed their children, would desperately search for relatives, acquaintances and ultimately even total strangers who could feed them and were willing to take them into their homes. The parents would then try to fend for themselves and were often totally lost to memory. The parents, of course hoped and told themselves that the children would be okay. Unfortunately, in many cases the children were treated like unpaid servants required to do whatever was demanded of them and be thankful that they were allowed to have food and a place to stay. During those years over 80% of the population was closely tied to the small family farms so most of the people could actually get food. There was food even though many had no money to buy it. Going into this present depression less than one half of 1% of our population is connected to farming. Further, we are in the third year of a global famine. America will soon see food shortages even for those who still have money. The financial crash is so severe that grocery stores can't get credit to restock their shelves and farmers can't get loans to plant and harvest. America is well on track for runaway inflation where $100 loaves of bread will not be unrealistic. Before inflation hits and while there is still food, every one of us must get the supplies that we need immediately.


Active Member
I think you may have smoked too much of your homegrown and gotten a little paranoid bro, but I have actually thought about growing some food with my pot and it would be pretty simple. I do think there is some truth in what you say but maybe just not as extreme as your forecasting it. In either case all of us indoor growers should be just fine :).


New Member
well if you are growing food at home you will have an edge if you keep it hidden but if ppl are starving all round there will be cholera and other disease in the air and it wont be pretty


Well-Known Member
First of all your saying that the grocery stores are closing cause of lack of funds or "credit to buy stock is kinda bullshit... not to be rude but i work in the food industry at a leading grocery store in produce and its the exact opposite the grocers are the only ones getting the secure loans and most if not all dont use loans they get pay in 30 day stocks that can be paid for in 30 days or less.... Organics and the grocery stores are gonna be safe for untill they stop growing for what ever reason... just an fyi.. and yes i grow my own veggies and fruits bananas and shit.. and pot.. its kinda a hobby but a goody. win win ..


Well-Known Member
yeah im growing food....well kind of..i can make cookies with my trim..also brownies..budd butter...the list can go on and on...loll...peace


Well-Known Member
Wow No offense but this is NOT going to happen in our lifetime unless War comes to North America, Unless theres some kind of major nuclear attack I seriously doubt the farm industry is going anywhere. Not all farmers need loans, and neither do grocery stores, that is so ridiculous to think that every farmer gets loans to grow there crops every year, and why the fuck would grocery stores need loans, especially large chains? They may need a loan to build a new store, but any existing store is still running because they are making money. Period. They arent taking out loans to get more food.

The only thing that could happen is larger farms and chain stores would be forced to downgrade to a smaller more efficient and manageable system.

If larger stores every started closing down that would just mean more people are going to open up smaller stores, its already happening more and more here in Canada, and its Great, smaller stores dont have big advertising and reputations, so to stay in business they Have to provide superior products and equal or better prices.

Somehow I dont think people will be trying to dump their kids off on random strangers to feed them these days.

$100 for a loaf of bread, No offence, thats the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Even if large stores were shut down due to over expanding and not being able to support themselves, It wouldnt mean we would no longer have access to yiest and flour...Maybe it will just mean more fresh bread. I for one Love fresh bread! so bring on the "depression"


Active Member
haha, damn i hope that it doesnt get that bad, all i can say is that i live in the ghetto of a somewhat decent area,not like harlem but i can safely say that all areas have its ghetto. but my neighbor just got robbed 3 seperate times, haha that shit sucks hes a stupid roxy dealer, but anywho, i hope crzy hungry ppl dont come in my place haha, i may start planting sum fruits, not sure.


New Member
first off the posting starts with "I see this banner add on prisonplanetdotcom" this means that I am now quoting something i saw and not that i was the original source of the statements, so attacking me for the content makes you look stupid.


Well-Known Member
I never meant any offense to anyone, whether they wrote it or just passed it on. All I pointed out was how ridiculous some of the ideas are.



New Member
there are many ways in which our food system can come up short, thinking that it its possible is one way to make sure that you will be in a bread line