anyone growing outdoor in england?.

lippy p

Active Member
this my first post of many, im bout to start a outdoor grow in england i hope all goes well i need bit of help with wot nutrients to use


Well-Known Member
its too late to start growing outdoor in england.
you should
vegg a plant for 3 to 4 weeks under 24/0.
then plant outdoor in may.
let it vegg
and it should start to flower sept time.
if you planted a small plant out now, it will just start to flower.
you wouldnt get much, if anything at all, this time of year.

have you got any plants for now???.


Well-Known Member
nah, you're not about to start an outdoor grow.

it's too late in the year. well, you might be able to get away with a small ruderalis hybrid.

so wouldnt golden syrup be any good?.
isnt it all the same?.
i don't think i have any golden syrup.
the contents of the molasses are; (per100g)

calcium ~ 500mg
iron ~ 14mg
magnesium ~ 130mg
iodine ~ 100mg

compare that to the golden syrup, if it matches up a bit you're sorted.
also, golden syrup tastes nicer :)


Well-Known Member
good stuff.

give it a try, it seems to have brightened up the last few days.

i'd advise, as crazy said, vegging it under a couple of cfls indoor for a week or two to toughen it up.