Anyone grown autoflowers outside???

image.jpg image.jpg Here's some pics of my girl. One week Into flushing and still growing like crazy to many white hairs to chop down but oh so frosty haha, hope in 2 weeks or so I can. Smells really good and super frosty.
What happened to the fan leaves ?
I took them off thought I'd try and swell up the buds since they were so small seems like it's working tho. I've read a bunch of stuff that it helps. But this fall I'm gonna do a indoor grow and take the fan leaves off one and leave them on one and see what one yields more under the same light in the same medium and same nutes. Do u not to the fan leaves off?
Yeah I took them off on my indoor grow too and they seem to swell up like crazy. But I'll try leaving them on one plant and taking them off on another just to see how it compairs to each other. I've read mixed feelings about it so I thought I'd give it a try. I see both side of it tho. That they need them to grow bigger. Than too I see that the big fan leaves cause the plant to use energy to keep the leaves good Instead of using that energy to make the buds bigger. I leave them on till like half way thru flowering them take them off. Both times it's seemed to make the bud thicker. But I'll try a expirment my next indoor grow and see what I like better.
Hell yea man that sounds good. I might try that as well. Im try to start a perpetual right now though so itll be a while. What auto was that?! If mine turn out as well ill be a happy man! They are just now starting to actually grow they didnt like the cold temps last month at all!
It's a Blue Mystic from Nirvana. Oh cool how's that going? Yeah the colder temps last month didn't help with any of my veggies either. How r ur autos now you have any pics, what kind are they again?
Fuckin rain...
theyre still veggin away out there in the greenie... I think I might put up the veg tent and bring em back inside if this shit keeps up... ill grab some pics from the greenhouse tonight
Fuckin rain...
theyre still veggin away out there in the greenie... I think I might put up the veg tent and bring em back inside if this shit keeps up... ill grab some pics from the greenhouse tonight
Yeah I know what u mean I almost wanna finish my plant under my light too this sucks I hope the sun come back out soon this gloomy rain sucks.
2 days a week of light aint makin it! I just got a new 4' t5'er I think im gonna put em under. Then I can keep some other babies veggin along side em and keep em at 20hr of good light

Any reason you wouldn't just hang your T5 in your greenhouse, maybe on the N side of the plants? I'd wager that 20 hrs/day under a 4' T5 plus the AK summer sun might be just about right...
Any reason you wouldn't just hang your T5 in your greenhouse, maybe on the N side of the plants? I'd wager that 20 hrs/day under a 4' T5 plus the AK summer sun might be just about right...
Dont want my neighbors comin to see why I have a light in my greenhouse. Not in the best neighborhood so calling attention to what ive got is not on the top of my list. I did think long and hard on it. Ive got 4 high bay 400s that I was gonna put in there anyways for the rest of my veggies but haven't made the move yet. Ive got a softside greenie so no way to secure it...
Dont want my neighbors comin to see why I have a light in my greenhouse. Not in the best neighborhood so calling attention to what ive got is not on the top of my list. I did think long and hard on it. Ive got 4 high bay 400s that I was gonna put in there anyways for the rest of my veggies but haven't made the move yet. Ive got a softside greenie so no way to secure it...
I've the same issue re: softside gh and nearby neighbors, although fortunately they're not sketchy.

However my landlords just put my house on the market, so potential buyers and brokers have been coming through.So I've had to clear out the gh completely, hiding plants in nearby alder, but ultimately the future of this grow is in limbo at best. i'm considering guerilla-ing it, but as stated earlier FUCK THE RAIN! We're supposed to get 2" overnight and that's not what my girls want.

nvhak49, when you first said you were cleaning cottonwood fluff from your buds I thought maybe you were overstating it. But the trees must just be slower here, and now I'm doing the same.

Its always somethin....
20140711_080216.jpg 20140711_080242.jpg 20140711_080307.jpg
First one is Speedy Gonzales second is AK-48 auto third shot is a group shot of some others I have in veg
That is my Heavy Duty Fruity x Blue Lemon Thai F1 I made on its first run through flower. Just hit it with some mighty wash and pulled her into the flower tent last night!
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First one is Speedy Gonzales second is AK-48 auto third shot is a group shot of some others I have in veg
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That is my Heavy Duty Fruity x Blue Lemon Thai F1 I made on its first run through flower. Just hit it with some mighty wash and pulled her into the flower tent last night!
Awesome looking plants they look really good, you gonna finish them inside once it starts getting old?
Awesome looking plants they look really good, you gonna finish them inside once it starts getting old?
I just set up a new veg tent w a 6 bulb 4' t5 gonna run em in there if we get nice sunny days ill move em out but fuck we cant keep any sun on em... so I moved em indoors last night. They are lovin the light so far! Ill post a pic of the new tent in a little while once I journey back out there