Anyone Grown Nirvana Bubblelicious Auto And/Or Nirvana Northern Lights Auto Outdoors?


Active Member
Has anyone grown either nirvana bubblelicious autoflowering or nirvana northern lights autoflowering outdoors? Will they definitely harvest in 2 months outdoors? If anyone answers yes, pics would be excellent...



Well-Known Member
Well I haven't grown them and have no pics...but I'm willing to bet that they WONT DEFINITELY be finished in 2 months.


Active Member
so if i went with bubblicious and northern lights from nirvana that say they have an outdoor harvest of 2 months, i cant count on a 2 month harvest??


Active Member
what i mean is, outdoors, they will take 2 months or close to it to be ready to harvest right? not like 4 months or something crazy?


Well-Known Member
Never grown the Nirvana autos, but most autos are done in 60 days, waiting a bit longer will make it stoneyer an give it slightly more yeild.


Well-Known Member
i got a freebie nirvana Bubblelicious, NL, and jock horror with my last purchase. im growing the JH right now and its about 17 days old. i grew some autos outside last year around this time and harvested in late august but probably should have let them go a bit longer.

like scarhole said most autos are done around 60 days. if they do go over 2 months it will only be by 2-3 weeks max. and definitely nothing near 4 months. you cant gaurentee 60 days exactly but probably somewhere within 5-10 days of that.

Im growing nirvana auto NL outdoors now from a freebie seed. Its been about 1 1/2 - 2 months since sprouting, and still not flowering, and is just barely showing pre flowers. I have read a lot of complaints about nirvanas auto strains not actually auto flowering


Well-Known Member
Thier website says autos take 3-5 weeks to start flowering and then like 7 or 8weeks of flowering, if I remember correctly. I am on day 71. Hoping they will be done in 2 weeks. First time grower and I am totally biased and love my 3 sexys so much.


Well-Known Member
I put these in the ground Sept 11th. TOok the pictures Nov 13ish? They are indoor growing under 2 150 watt HPS. This is week 10 after germination. Been on 12/12 since like October 1st? They are autos but I heard there was problems with the genetics so I put them on the timer anyways.

I am starting to get orange hairs in the center of the plant. This would be about day 70. I figure I have about 4 weeks to go. The buds are small though. I'm hoping the bulk up :(

I don't know about the 70 day to harvest thing. Dont know about the whole Auto thing. I think I like the control of NOn-auto strains.



Active Member
Dude i had same thing happen around same time dont go by when you stared go by when they started showing hairs ,the ones i got were jock horro and afther 5 weeks of veg i knew something was nt right first time with alto and first grow so really messed me up ,but all were still ladys but not alto


Well-Known Member
So solosmoke.. did they fatten up or was the grow a waste? I def have females but the buds are so small.. They only started showing about 3 weeks ago though.


Well-Known Member
Hey carl, is that just 2 plants? Those look really promising. For their size you probably need at least 250 watts each. What was the yeild?


Well-Known Member
Yes, that was just 2 plants. I dont know what the yield was in weight. I dont have a scale. I did fill up 5 500 ml jars with the harvest. I would say 2 oz per jar? So maybe 10 oz? got a years worth of smoking off them :)

Gotten much better results since then, but totaly screwed the last 3 plant grow up. Hermies cause I plugged the new lights in the wrong outlet. Thought it was on the timer but 4 weeks into Flowering I put the lights back on 24 for abuot a week before I realized it. :(

Lots of seeds for next time though :)