anyone grown with l.e.d?


Active Member
Sure, I'm not selling anything. Just interested in cool lights that don't have such a high risk of fire.

Many people have had bad experiences with leds, but that is changing.

Cheers, m8!
i think you may have changed my opinion on LEDs. im damn impressed. thanks for sharing!


i have seen ur awsome plants n would like to know where U got ur Leds at
i apprecate ur help n feedback

peace n may the gods of MJ b with ya


Well-Known Member
i've heard of high wattage leds producing good bud, personally I only use it as cheap supplemental lighting along with an HPS


Well-Known Member
I can't deal with the heat generated, and don't really want to.

Plasma lights run cool, too. And some are comparable in price.


Well-Known Member
wow, I hope I'm not too late on this thread. I have had 5 successful harvests and increasingly better each round. I use nothing but Growl Led's and I say they are the Mercadies Bendz of LED grow lights. LED growers can have success with LED flower models, but only if they are high quality, 1w ONLY!!!!, and they have ALLOT of wattage power, a 90W LED is NOT going to be equal to a 400WHPS or whatever people may claim or think. At minimum, you need 1000W over a 3x5 area to get any type of comparable result to HPS, but the advantages over HPS come into factor when you consider the added variables that HPS bring to a room like temperature increase, need for hood ventilation, humidity increase, ect... The lights from Growl use UV and IR and provide a wonderful spectrum that my plants use and thrive from. I also think that being a good grower goes a long way in the success of any harvest. Many growers apply LEDs in the same way they would an HPS, hang 'em High! I would say one of the most important aspects of using LED's is making sure to hang your panels LOW LOW LOW! I try to stay about 12 inches away from my canopy, sometimes a lil closer. Also SCROG has proven to be a successful method for me as opposed to tall plants. Hope this info helps, check out GROWL, they rule! :peace:


Well-Known Member
wow, I hope I'm not too late on this thread. I have had 5 successful harvests and increasingly better each round. I use nothing but Growl Led's and I say they are the Mercadies Bendz of LED grow lights. LED growers can have success with LED flower models, but only if they are high quality, 1w ONLY!!!!, and they have ALLOT of wattage power, a 90W LED is NOT going to be equal to a 400WHPS or whatever people may claim or think. At minimum, you need 1000W over a 3x5 area to get any type of comparable result to HPS, but the advantages over HPS come into factor when you consider the added variables that HPS bring to a room like temperature increase, need for hood ventilation, humidity increase, ect... The lights from Growl use UV and IR and provide a wonderful spectrum that my plants use and thrive from. I also think that being a good grower goes a long way in the success of any harvest. Many growers apply LEDs in the same way they would an HPS, hang 'em High! I would say one of the most important aspects of using LED's is making sure to hang your panels LOW LOW LOW! I try to stay about 12 inches away from my canopy, sometimes a lil closer. Also SCROG has proven to be a successful method for me as opposed to tall plants. Hope this info helps, check out GROWL, they rule! :peace:
I bought what is suposed to be a Terrier Growl. I'm thinking it might be a knockoff because there is what appears to be lead staining at the contact point. Have you ever used that light? If so, did you notice the same thing?


Well-Known Member
I would ask some people that know what a quality LED is and have actually grown start to finish with one and from what I can see the only dude that has on here so far has shown us a big ole cola. You gotta know who to talk to with questions like this because there is a bad habit of just repeating what the last guy said to sound smart and get the post count up on here. The proper LED grows killer bud. I have seen it. Anyone that knows the relationship between color temp and photosynthesis will agree. The major hurdle right now is that any worthy LED panel is gonna cost you about what my whole set up cost me and until they get affordable LED will never get the respect it deserves.
There's lots of solid evidence for successful led grows. Brick Top said the best grow he ever saw on this site was an LED grow.

If you follow the link to the pic above you can see plenty more pics from that grow. It is impressive.

For small grows, led can't be beat. And they aren't that costly, all things considered...people just don't understand them and won't do the research to learn about them.


Well-Known Member
I do have a Terrier, but no, I have not noticed this at all, you might be right, it seems like a knock off or a 3rd party referb.


Active Member
I've grown with two 50 watt LED panels, dual spectrum just for side lighting. This was 2 years ago though, so I don't know about those quad band ones. Lemme tell you, the branches loved it. I'd have to keep rotating my plants because the branches facing the LEDs would grow outward towards them and offset the symetry of the plant a little lol.