Anyone had a problem with deer?

Deer eat marijuana for its moisture content. I've found that once the plants start to flower they pretty much leave it alone. (loco-weed)

I went and got this product (click it to view) and it WORKED beautifully!


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this person had a problem with a deer, and yes its ALL in there, i have several pics

Wow they got you pretty bad.. sorry bro.. I go to the hair salons to pick up the left over hair...Idk it's worked for me.. But I also use chicken wire around them just to make it harder for them.. I have about a pack of about 30 deers around me. I put the hair on the plants.. around the bottom. and on the older fan leaves.. Idk if the piss really works but it makes alot of sense to me why it would.. I also have used massive amounts of sevin dust around everything.. And cayanne pepper.. I have never had a deer go to the extent of eating the whole plant or even munchin on one but now I have gone back out after I chopped them down to see if the smaller buds develpoed better and they were chewed on... I don't know... I say don't shoot at them but shot in the area around them.. theyare not smart but they know where they are being hunted for the most part.?

I went and got this product (click it to view) and it WORKED beautifully!
Wow they got you pretty bad.. sorry bro.. I go to the hair salons to pick up the left over hair...Idk it's worked for me.. But I also use chicken wire around them just to make it harder for them.. I have about a pack of about 30 deers around me. I put the hair on the plants.. around the bottom. and on the older fan leaves.. Idk if the piss really works but it makes alot of sense to me why it would.. I also have used massive amounts of sevin dust around everything.. And cayanne pepper.. I have never had a deer go to the extent of eating the whole plant or even munchin on one but now I have gone back out after I chopped them down to see if the smaller buds develpoed better and they were chewed on... I don't know... I say don't shoot at them but shot in the area around them.. theyare not smart but they know where they are being hunted for the most part.?
these deer arent afraid of humans for the most part.. at least in summer .. you can get close enough to hit them with a 30 lb rock most the time .. unless it's deer season .. then you cant get within 300 yards if they see you ... but they are bad here.. but they dont bother with Liduid Fence or Repels all ... so thats a good thing
for years ive had the same problem tried everything under the sun for me this is what works the best at your local gardining store they should have battery operated motion sensitive sprinklers put one at each end of the patch deer come it turns on they run away after a:peace::blsmoke:wile they will stay away
hmm i was just thinking of it.......would be a good boobie trap haha boobie hahahhaa make a web of fishing string all tight as can carfull it can cut your hands so no one will see it but you cant walk threw unless you know the spot hahaha bongsmilie rips rips rips that be sick to just live in the wild and live off the earth
for years ive had the same problem tried everything under the sun for me this is what works the best at your local gardining store they should have battery operated motion sensitive sprinklers put one at each end of the patch deer come it turns on they run away after a:peace::blsmoke::blsmoke:wile they will stay away
u try Liuod Fence before? it's gotta work for ya! .. look it up but i didnt spell liquid right
I have some plans to use fishing line as well to protect precious babies. Think I will use some 30-40 lb. test of "Spider Wire." This stuff is incredibly strong and has been used by tournament fishermen for several years. Conveniently it also very stealthy as it comes in a dark, olive green like color (matches water colors). I may also try to weave some camo-plants around the base as the plant matures. Carry a sharp knife to cut as you aren't going to chew your way through this stuff. I've used "Liquid Fence" before to keep deer/ critters away from things like pansies in annual flower beds with questionable results. It is garlic-based and probably only effective as long as rainfall is minimal.
If deer r a problem, then so r mice and rabbits. A soda can with the tops and bottom cut out will protect your small ones from mice. One bite and ur plants gone! Now u put up a 12' tall chicken wire cage with the top left open. Weave sticks down the sides to anchor down and push into soil. Rabbit safe now.Deer dont like to stik their heads into a wire thing and eat. I also own dogs, so when I brush them ,I collect hair and at planting I tape a small tuft of hair onto the wire cage..At least once a summer I hav a deer come along and munch a branch off, but lucky they dont eat the whole freakin thing. All things work out, in fall, I get even with a muzzleloader. .54 cal. Oh ,also look for slugs and use a enviro safe pellet, I know they cost more, but safe for outdoors. Who knows, u mite have a killer spot like mine n grow for years. LOL
first off there is a product from htg[hight tech gardening] that will take care of them or the diy way of hot pepper spray the plant.
anyone spray pepper spray around the area? like the self defense kind. im thinkin it should be strong enough to keep everything away and its all natural so it wont hurt other plants
anyone spray pepper spray around the area? like the self defense kind. im thinkin it should be strong enough to keep everything away and its all natural so it wont hurt other plants
just cause it's natural doesnt mean it wont hurt the plants .. i wouldnt let any get on my plants .. or myself .. but for other plants im sure u could spray it on them
I've heard burring a plastic cup, the top of it flush to the ground and then pissing in it works. I would think a 2 foot high fishing line would freak them out as they couldn't see it.
ive used human hair or blood jus go to the dumpster at a hair cut place and grab a bag of hair and scatter it thats what works for me