Anyone happen to have a 240volt timer for sale


Well-Known Member
I need a 240 timer but im not trying to exactly go out and spend a lot. I dont have the funds left. Figured someone may have an old used one that they would wanna part with for a small wage..


Well-Known Member
i have contacts, you plug a 120 line into a timer, which closes the contacts (electromagnets), which closes the 240v circuit.

how's 20$?


Well-Known Member
just checked the boxes; i have two (2) 240/120v timers (commercial timer, the ones with the big metal round disc inside...) if that's what you're needing.


Well-Known Member
I need a 240 volt that has the reg. Round ground and has 2 side ways metal stubs. Its opposite of 110 those are parallel. I need horizontal leads


Well-Known Member
I need a 240 volt that has the reg. Round ground and has 2 side ways metal stubs. Its opposite of 110 those are parallel. I need horizontal leads

OOOOH! i know what you're talking about! :p

i'm going to make life easy for you; ballasts with that type of plug nearly always have a quick plug power cord, meaning the cord plugs into the ballast casing, and into the wall recepticle. you can pull that cord out and put a regular pc power supply cord in it's place (regular three prong). this three prong and yours are the same, they just look different. there's no problem using the 120v shaped plugs with 240v, as long as you don't plug one into the other!

for your 240v supply, you can use a regular 20a recepticle wired to 240v (i recommend you paint this BRIGHT RED, so as never to confuse and plug in 120v). if you need pictures, i can take some. my 1k's are on 240v, using regular recepticles and plugs.

i don't have anything you can directly plug that into, but i do have ways to make it work, if the cord swap won't work for you.


Well-Known Member
I need a 240 timer but im not trying to exactly go out and spend a lot. I dont have the funds left. Figured someone may have an old used one that they would wanna part with for a small wage..
How much is 'a lot'? I mean their only like $50 at home depot or lowes aren't they?


Well-Known Member
Well they are like 30 bucks and i jusr spent like 1600. So im spent out yo 4 real. Been using 110v but my breaker is flipping so im using 240 now and swoitched it out today and it works great but when i went up after lights out to check out for the night, the lights were still on and i realized i didnt have it on a timer anymore. Its ok, ill switch it manually for a week or 2 until i can grab the extra cheese, lol. Just slow the smoke down a few g and ill have it right? Lol