Anyone have any experience with Flip Flop Relays?


Well-Known Member
Goto your nearest hydroponic store and they should have the old style ones around 50 a piece you hook your ballast to the main terminals then run your wires from the relay posts and then hook up you timer to the timer terminals it's cheap simple and reliable works well with digitals and old mags I could send you a pic later on of what I'm talking about just need my computer to upload pics hope this helps don't waste money on those store bought fancy looking ones!! They just want your money

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
Right on thanks for the info. Im definitely down with doing it DIY as long as it is as reliable. Im good with stuff like this... I did all the wiring for my rooms so far, just need to find a better price than that link ;)



Well-Known Member
I picked mine up for 50 bucks from the hydroponic store I use maybe he hooked me up with a better price But it's better then those all in one boxes... For 129$ ill give you my model I have just have to find the box