Excuse me here 420, but I need to stand up on the soapbox for only a minute here .... It is not the amount of money for a zip, an eighth, or whatever amount one is getting from a CareGiver. It is all irrelevant as far as I am concerned. What is more important to me, as well as others I am sure, it is the friendship that is made. A lasting one that is "Priceless." Just this past Sunday, I suffered my 3rd heart attack in as many years, and lo and behold on Wednesday morning, who pops in to see me for a few minutes from his busy day, was my friend Budwich

There is no way in hell if I was doing biz with a dispensary, would I have ever received that visit. I guess here in Maine, we just do things a bit different, because we care about each other. I .... for one .... would not want it any other way. And just so you know, Bud has his "Meds of My Choice" dialed in just perfectly. I am quite sure his Meds could easily top what you refer to as "Top Dollar", but I know in my heart and soul that He would never do that to a patient in need. So in other words .... A Maine CareGiver is "Priceless" in more ways than one.
Thanks Bud

Love You Bro !!

As well as all of the other regulars on here
The MaineYankee