Anyone have experience with LED lights?


Well-Known Member
to be honest i wouldn't even try them, i have read some articles that state LED makers growing their plants in normal HPS then placing their LED lights on top of the plant for the picture. Its kinda a scam and per watt of LED you are paying way more for the unit then say a 1000 watt HPS lamp. The technology just isnt there yet


Well-Known Member
LED's are a joke. I laugh my ass off when I see someone growing with LED's. There is a guy who spent over $5000 on lights and he was put to shame by a $200 HPS. U will have better luck with an incadecent


Active Member
So what you're saying is that you don't know how well CFL or LED works because you are using both, and not one or the other.
exactly man. Seemed like a pretty cool idea to me and the girls seem to love the LED panel. I originally started with only the CFLs. I got the LED panel about 3 weeks ago and my plants have never looked better.


Well-Known Member
I will be starting an aeroponic grow with a 120 watt tri-band LED next week... from seed to smoke they will be under LED light only.

The 120 watt I'm using is from HTGSupply, their newest model and not yet reviewed anywhere. If you stay interested in LEDs check back here in a couple weeks and click to my journal for updates. HTG claims this new 120 watt LED exceeds an 600 watt HPS and is performing "great" in their own testing.


Well-Known Member
LEDS eh. They are the real deal for the real price. Those panels advertised as superbright are garbage. Watt for watt at todays top of the line leds you still need equal to hps nearly. My mom and i have a saltwater aqaurium with 400 luxeon leds. 1 watt each. it can dim and change colour from hps to mh and more. It loses only 10% brightness over 60000 hours. par rating up to mid 90s depending on colour. SWEET. now the bad news 4500 bucks!!!. These leds and Cree brand leds are the only ones that can touch HID. look up cree and luxion. they are world record breakers for leds. one led costs about 20 dollars individually. check them out. the only real leds


Active Member
I tried a pure LED grow. total waste of a few hundred dollars worth of LED lights. Seedlings would not even grow. Put a few Flouro tubes above them, they shot up, LED's are not even worth using as supplemental light. This oppinion is from experience, not what I have heard or read.


Well-Known Member
You used chinease cheapo leds. Obviously no one here will taked the time to research. Leds can blow away hps and mh watt for watt. But only Cree and luxion brand will do this. If you checked them out you would know. Leds blow away hps but the price is crazy. People think that you can have 10 watts of leds compared to hundreds of watts of hps. Right now cree is making a 1 watt 300+ lumen led with a high par rating. It is double hps's efficiency. If everyone would look them up you would see that leds are the real deal and i a couple years will takes over

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
You used chinease cheapo leds. Obviously no one here will taked the time to research. Leds can blow away hps and mh watt for watt. But only Cree and luxion brand will do this. If you checked them out you would know. Leds blow away hps but the price is crazy. People think that you can have 10 watts of leds compared to hundreds of watts of hps. Right now cree is making a 1 watt 300+ lumen led with a high par rating. It is double hps's efficiency. If everyone would look them up you would see that leds are the real deal and i a couple years will takes over
they do not have the penetration that HID's have that is the problem, they are in the correct spectrum, but lack the humph that HID's kick out, adding more LED's does not double the penatration it gives more light to cover the top of the canopy, but the light is still not strong enough to grow base ball bat size cola's.

you can put 600w of leds in a bank it will still not penotrate much below the canopy they are used in green house to only supplement the light. the true yield comes from the sky= sun.

look on ebay they are making them 1200w still would not swap it for a HPS


Well-Known Member
The surface area of 1000 watts of cree leds is the same as a 1000 watt bulb. the penetration is deeper with leds. do more research. luxion and cree leds have higher par ratings than any hid and as for spectrum they are adjustable anywhere. You want to talk penetration. how close to the plants can you put a 1000 watt hps even with a cooltube? 6 inches 4 if you are amazing. Leds can touch the plants. you save at least 6 inches right there. this argument is going nowhere fast. top of the line leds are world record breakers in every way and blow away hid in every way but price. I want everyone reading this to remember what this guy said so in 2 years when leds are all you van buy we can laugh. Hid is the past bro. It works but not like leds. Don't lie but you used those stupid 9 watt or 3 watt or whatever they are in red and blue or purple. those are cheesy made in china superbrights and are garbage. low par rating and lumen output per watt. Spend 4500 bucks and you will blow away hid watt for watt. oh yah. how bright is your 150000 lumen hps after its been on for 2 months? leds only lose 10% luminosity over there entire life. How much extra power does the fan in the cooltube use? Extra fans use power to. Anything else. I'll post pics of the REAL led fixture i use. 400 watt cree


Well-Known Member
here is the unit i use only mine 72 inch. its in an oak cabinet over my aquarium but this is the light in 24 inch. it will blow your hps mh whatever ya got look it up and read the specs. if your to lazy than don't claim knowledge. everyone check these out and then decide. also lumenaqua has nice fixtures. Do you think people would pay 4000+ dollars for this if it was weak. all specs superior to hid. Prove me wrong. Each 1 watt led is 160+ lumens with par of 93+. wheres your hps specs? and like i said adjusable colour. do the homework and check them out and this argument will be over



Well-Known Member
Your sun agro won't touch it so don't bother saying you use it. either will hortilux just to save you time.


Well-Known Member
Also stop arguing simply leds. give me brands. i never compared the ones you used. i only claimed that the brand of leds i use will blow away anything else. And cree or luxion do not make a 1200 watt light so its not top of the line. you said you spent a couple hundred bucks wasted. The fixture in this pic cost 20 dollars per led. Ebay is full of garbage. let me guess you also bought a 1000000000 watt amp for your car for 50 bucks? get my point? do the research and don't look at anything but cree or luxion. all others are a waste. You havn't given any specs just that you want bat sized nugs. alot more to it than that sad to say. prove me wrong. theres got to be someone else who knows what they are talking about in here. Someone with the know help me out. i'm swarmed with people to lazy to do their homework.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for spreading the knowledge RE: LEDs bro.

I just invested $1,000 on several new 3rd-gen LED lights and know they will not disappoint.

To anybody who used old LED tech (red+blue) and compare to 3rd gen...there is no comparison like 1982grower said. The 6000K white LEDs in the new tri-bands add a CFL like punch and make a huge difference.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!!! you get what ya pay for. Yours prob has some name brand leds for that price. my mom paid 4500 about a year ago from amazon but you can def get it cheaper now. These people assume all leds are created equal. they see those cheap led panels covered in lights and think its effiicient cause its led. Leds are getting the reputation of car amps. The new leds add alot more punch than a few cfls. trust me. The best way to learn about leds is through aquarium forums. they use them legally and therefore have total control and 10 times as many people researching. cause its legal. they also tend to have the money and knowledge to help answer every question. I get more shimmer and reflections off the water with leds than mh. that means more penetration. good luck with your fixture man.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
lets see some pics of your plants under these LED's? every video picture iv seen even these so called UFO's iv seen plants grown under CFL's that are much better. the old saying " bull sh*t talks, but action walks" iv yet to see an LED grow worth the time and effort IMHO, lets see if you can prove me wrong with a few pics oe even better a video untill then no one will take them serious no matter what the bull sh*t companies say to sell them.

400 - 520 nm - 610 - 720 nm, is used by plants what do these other makers clame their LED's have over other makers that is so special? color wave lenght is color wave lenghth is it not?


what a wate of money to hang a $4000 light over a fish tank! ROLF you need to stop reading fairy tales and come back to the real world and take a look at the grows they have managed LOL. im not saying they will not get there one day, but its going to take longer than 2 years m8 more like 22 years from what iv seen. may be the ppl who spent $4000 feel like right dick for spending all that cash and not posted any vids or pics because they are to embarrassed knowing a fool and his money are easily parted.

and amazon is not full of rubbish like ebay? if these light are as good as you say and they cost $4000 the companies would put vids up on you tube to back up these clames its as simple as that.

The best way to learn about leds is through aquarium forums
they may be good for fish and they look pretty, but we want to grow cannabis not look at fish with them:mrgreen:

all specs superior to hid. Prove me wrong
No you prove me wrong. i can show you what a 1000w hid can do