anyone have magical butter machine?

Buy a nut milk bag or some cheese cloth for $3 and crockpot becomes a breeze. just sayin.

I don't even use a crockpot personally. I just use a regular ol pot on the stove.

It's obvious someone here has an agenda. :P
I'd really like to have one of these for tinctures. My grandmother has issues that edibles help, but having a tincture she could use anytime would be great. I'm going to have to look into these.
That video is incredible hahaha, its really that easy. Use the link I posted and get the $25 off :) ebay is full of counterfeits, that's why they only honor warranty if bought direct. buy new... You deserve it :)
I may not be able to order until the 3rd of June because of money issues but I'll definitely use the coupon code when I get one. I made Butter on the stove today, and it's okay, but for my time (I'm disabled and it's hard for me to be up long periods) I think the machine will be incredible.
I may not be able to order until the 3rd of June because of money issues but I'll definitely use the coupon code when I get one. I made Butter on the stove today, and it's okay, but for my time (I'm disabled and it's hard for me to be up long periods) I think the machine will be incredible.
I wasted my money on one of these. Use a crockpot. Save your money for something useful
Slimjimham is a shill for Magical Bullshit machine
Wtf is a shill? If that means happy customer then yes ha. I know your trying to say I'm working for them our some shit but I do well on my own, I think we all do here, I'm not concerned with the small rewards they send me when people use the link. I'm just frugal and paid retail because I didn't know about any discount links. if you bought one, as you know they send everyone a link so their buds can get a discount.

I've been a member here around 5 years I think... It's not like I'm on a new account selling shit, just sharing my good experience and thought it's a good product some of my buds on here would like.

I don't know how it could have been a waste unless you're using bad product and it didn't turn out well... In my experience it's fool proof. If you had a bad end product call the company and in sure they could figure out why... Did you not decarb it in the oven first?

Instead of making some bs claim I'm working for them or whatever share your experience and maybe people will help you figure out how you somehow messed it up...
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Couldn't agree more slimjim, in no way am I affliated with them, nor did I ever waste my time sharing the link they send everyone that buys one to refer friends, I LOVE mine! Made glycerin tincture that was good as hell!
Couldn't agree more slimjim, in no way am I affliated with them, nor did I ever waste my time sharing the link they send everyone that buys one to refer friends, I LOVE mine! Made glycerin tincture that was good as hell!
That's actually why I'm wanting one. Butter isn't a huge deal, but I would love to make tinctures with vegetable glycol (glycerine) for my grandmother. Edibles help her a lot, but I think tincture would be even easier for her because she could keep with her and use it whenever.

I have serious pain issues, and honestly I think the tincture could be amazing for me too. I can smoke at home, but can't in front of most of my friends and family. They're just not 4:20 friendly. But I could use tincture anytime in front of anyone and they wouldn't know it wasn't some legit for my kidneys. I love that.

I also think the glycerine will be more palatable than grain alcohol. I don't drink and I figure it would be rougher by the mouthful than glycerine will be.
I wasted my money on one of these. Use a crockpot. Save your money for something useful
Slimjimham is a shill for Magical Bullshit machine
For Butter, the crock pot would be hard to beat. For tincture though, I'm not sure? I've never made it and haven't seen directions around to make it.
Then call it the Magical Tincture. Im sure alcohal will strain but butter and bud with no water will not strain. The directions say do not add water. You end up with a lump that wont strain. I ended up twice putting said lumps into the crockpot with water just to salvage something.
I dont want tincture...I want butter and this machine dont cut 'er. I am pissed I wasted my hard earned money on this thing.

Ps Slim jim...a shill is someone who promotes products and recieves a kickback for doing so. So dont forget to order from Jims link everybody pfft
Doob you just used plain old butter? Lol I've done everything with this machine except that! I've always used coconut oil and strained right after it was done, never a problem... I don't see the harm there would be to add water to make it more strainable and than just put in fridge....than get rid of the water... I hope you didn't just waste your "big clump" and at least salvaged it with adding water than and than straining...I can understand you being pissed off if you wasted a bunch of product on something that didn't turn out as expected... Did you buy right from magical butter? Maybe you got a faulty unit? I HONESTLY never had trouble.... You got me curious now to try a couple of sticks of butter and some wAter to reach the min line and try it out.... Could use a new batch of cookies ;) sorry it sucks for you doobs :( I love mine....
As I heads up I don't think you are supposed to use water in the machine, I'm pretty sure it whips it in the butter and fucks it up. So use more butter...

... If you are having a hard time with the butter which I'm confused about try coconut oil. It substitutes for butter, It's got more fat so has better absorption, healthier because there are no bad fats, and is runny like water when warm, also keeps longer and doesn't need to be refridgerated... Just a thought (I also feel it's important to mention I have no affiliation with nor am I trying to sell coconut oil haha)

And like I said, I don't give a fuck if you order from the link or not, but it's a coupon so I threw it up...

... As I'm writing this my rice cooker just finished up, I just bought one on amazon and I love it haha. Set it and forget it it's right up my alley, and this rice is perfect, nice and sticky :)

yeah you could cook rice on the stove in a pan but my shit never comes out right, always too crunchy. Millions of asians with rice cookers can't be won't, people love easy shit ha :)... Only regret is I didn't put in more rice, I got the munchies ha
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Does anyone know the best product to mix with chocolate to infuse it? Id like to make some chocolate bars! I figure I can do it with coconut oil but I think that'll make the chocolate melty...
Still looking for a way to make chocolate, also interested in making ecig liquid. Do you just make tincture with glycol and use that?
Sweet, this is what i was looking for. Have you made any with trim, and if so what ratio do you use? Ill check out the link, thanks! Either way feel free to let me know your ratios/dosage when finished

they say 4 sticks of butter and add 1/2oz bud....You can use 4 sticks and add two it 32oz of trim...than find a batch of dough that wants 1 stick of butter.

I use to use a small 10 dollar crock pot with this recipe..add water set on low over night...take a fruit strainer(cheese cloth sold in the canning section)place a qt ball jar out on the table...pour the weed and water into the bag over the jar...put on rubber maid gloves..squeeze the shit out the hot bag,fill jar and put in refer over night.

Now I skip all that shit and buy dry ice...break the ice into baseball cubes...put 3 pieces into 220 bag,shake over 5 gallon bucket,pull 85grams from a 5 gallon load of I use 6 grams kief and make 6 chocolate bars that will make for a needed rest....never tried over 1/4 bar at once....1 whole bar would be a problem for me.
Does anyone know the best product to mix with chocolate to infuse it? Id like to make some chocolate bars! I figure I can do it with coconut oil but I think that'll make the chocolate melty...

I know how?
I make chocolate bars all the time here.First you go on line and buy some chocolate bar moulds...they come in 3 piece per mould,
so you need 2 so you can make 6 bars per run...take 6 grams of dry ice kief...make a cup from tin foil(I use my cup cake pan and line it with foil)set the oven @ 250 fill the foil with your kief...bake 50 take a bowl and pour 1 1/2 sacks of chocolate chips into the bowl....take some virgin coconut oil and mix about 1tbs into the kief...mix until smooth,you can add oil until the kief is mixed well.Cook the chocolate,for 15 minutes,pull out of the oven and mix in fill the moulds,use the back of the spoon to level out chocolate
Place in freezer for 1 wrap bar with tin foil.And store in freezer...they melt real fast?

PS..anyone know how comes chocolate melts so fast?