Anyone have problem getting orders from SANNIES?


Well-Known Member
First order shipped on 6/18 and never received. Order re-sent 7/20, not received again. Order sent 3rd time 8/9/11, none of the packages ever received .
This is extremely nerve-wracking to have this many missing packages floating around out there.
Not allowing me to edit previous post, so I have to re-post. 8/26/11 and none of the packages have ever arrived.

On "Sannie's Corner" forum, he had a post about packages being intercepted by U.S. customs, but he removed it because he said he believes people are actually receiving their packages from him but abusing his kindness by having him re-send packages that were not really intercepted. I always strive to be fair in my dealings with other people and I do not rip people off like that, so that's pretty fucking insulting to me. That makes me sad and this sucks. :(

Packages are absolutely having a huge problem reaching the states right now, I can not stress this enough. At this point I am unable to receive a package from this vendor. I understand all the people saying relax and be patient and your order will arrive with a little time--I was one of you until this order. I would say this is a one-time deal with not receiving packages, but this order was re-sent twice. You can deny it or pretend that this is not really happening, but I am not the only person who has been sent 2 re-orders and received nothing. The seed prices and quality are great, but I can't afford to throw money away; everybody loses in this situation.

This shipping situation might clear up at some point, but right now I say Buyer Beware--if you order and don't receive it, you can't say you weren't warned.



Well-Known Member
hmm...troubling to hear all this considering I was about to order from sannies. Are they the only ones that have the herijuana strain? I've heard great things about it and every other seedbank I look at seems to have a cross of with something else, it but not the original.


Active Member
Placed an order w/Sannies on 7/4 and received it 7/14 on the US west coast without issue. Placed order on 7/7 and wrote saying it was never received on 8/3. On 8/4 got a note from Sannie saying it was re-sent. Today is 8/29 and just wrote again as they still have still not arrived.


Well-Known Member
they came to my house instead... i am your postal guy....thanks
i am kidding of course.....jlol

dirty larry

Active Member
I have always been treated great by Sannie.

However, I finally got the dreaded "green tape" shipment - confiscated.

Oddly enough, it wasn't DEA or even cannibis related, the seeds were destroyed by the USDA over quarrantine violations - apparently you can't buy any plant or animal related products from abroad without filing a permit and waiting through a quarrantine process?

At this point, I am still confidant his reship will get here tho - he's always went above and beyond in the past.


Well-Known Member
my PC security McAfee Advisor turned blood red when I clicked that site...NOT SAFE. Attitude was green.
lol try a decent a/v mate mcaffe will ping up red to my server but its safe mcafee sucks ass get kis!

and yeh lost in post u watch 6 months ul get em

email them explain c wat they say


Active Member
Third time shipping was a charm. Sannie's didn't give up. I didn't get the free seeds I wanted, but got some nice ones just the same :-)

Now I have to figure out where these are going to fit in as they missed the round I originally got them for.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's been almost a month since the second re-send, and almost three months since the original order. Three packages sent but nothing received. No letter from Homeland Security, nothing. Where did these go? If they were snagged at U.S. Customs, wouldn't I have gotten at least a letter or an empty package or something? Very disappointing, but I'm moving on.


Well-Known Member
I ordered on 18/10, haven't received till day. Wrote Sannie on 8/11 about it and he replied very quickly saying it was indeed taking too long so he reshipped the order latter that day. It's been 21 days and I have no clue where my first shipment is or who has it. I've ordered only from the tude before and always got the beans in 2-3 weeks. I'm in south America btw.

I was really looking forward to try sannie's genetics due to his rep, but had I known this would take this longer I'd have gone with the tude again as my Grow is now considerably crippled and limited to 4 phenos that might not suit my SOG needs, at least they're feminized so I'm not totally screwed (LSD, Moby Dick, SLH and WW). Not having a tracking or reference number is just a PITA! and in addition PostNL is an extension of TNT express which reserves the right to hire any third party courier at any time to complete the order without needing your consent, so you don't even know who has and Sannie doesn't either, that's why he keeps re-shipping stuff. I don't mean to bash his kindness after all his not bounded to reship anything as stated in his shop terms. just wonder why he insist on using a shipping method that have proven to fail on a constant basis.


Active Member
I've ordered from Attitude and Sannie's and they took about the same time.

In general I've recieved packages of all sorts from Europe and while they usually take 2 weeks, they can take six or more sometimes.

Once the seed bank puts the package in the mail, they have no control over it. It's not that Attitude is mailing its shipments sooner , or they have a better mail system to work with, it's just luck.


Well-Known Member
I've ordered from Attitude and Sannie's and they took about the same time.

In general I've recieved packages of all sorts from Europe and while they usually take 2 weeks, they can take six or more sometimes.

Once the seed bank puts the package in the mail, they have no control over it. It's not that Attitude is mailing its shipments sooner , or they have a better mail system to work with, it's just luck.
Nah man the tude gives you a Guarantied option and a tracking number all the way to the destination, it's not accurate like UPS but at least gives you a hint or notifies you if it was intercepted, never heard of someone waiting 6 months on their orders and personally I've received each in the 2-3 weeks range, no missing orders, no ghost shipping companies. The attitude uses Royal Mail post office or something like that. Thankfully it isn't just in freaking Dutch like PostNL. I'm so frustrated right now.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to update and take back my words. I got my seeds from Sannies just 2 days after my previous post. I put 15 to germ 3 days ago and they all sprouted today! I mean with little cotyledons and everything. I'm blown away! So have no doubt I've never gotten a 100% germ rate before with another seed bank, I'm pretty sure this is gonna rock!

Also Sannie answered all my questions throughout the whole process, he should've told me to wait like the rest as he's not charging me the reship nor the beans even when I asked him to do so. I guess you get a lil stressed when buying this kind of stuff and now I feel kinda bad for having twice of what I paid for. Nevertheless the package is really stealthy, it just might take a while to arrive. But if it got here, it will anywhere


Well-Known Member
Nah man the tude gives you a Guarantied option and a tracking number all the way to the destination, it's not accurate like UPS but at least gives you a hint or notifies you if it was intercepted, never heard of someone waiting 6 months on their orders and personally I've received each in the 2-3 weeks range, no missing orders, no ghost shipping companies. The attitude uses Royal Mail post office or something like that. Thankfully it isn't just in freaking Dutch like PostNL. I'm so frustrated right now.
You are more likely to get a resend from sannies, no questions asked then the tude. You have to pay for that service at attitude, and even then they might not replace it till you order next time again. That said, i got what i ordered from attitude and herbies seeds


Well-Known Member
Hey Mandi, just checking in to see what your are growing. I still have some of the herijuana seeds you sent me. I have grown 2 of the seeds and both were female. I'm growing sour kush right now. Did you ever use your sk seed yet?