Anyone hear whats new in WA today?


Well-Known Member
I heard some crap around the water cooler today about a proposed change to WA medical marijuana laws. Anyone know the specifics? It doesnt sound good to say the least. One step foreward, one step back.
In order to generate conversation, it might help to link to the relevant info- or better yet, copy n paste it here.

Otherwise you'll look kinda silly talking to yourself in here.
In order to generate conversation, it might help to link to the relevant info- or better yet, copy n paste it here.

Otherwise you'll look kinda silly talking to yourself in here.
Well youll hear about it soon enough if ya dont know yet. Im hopin its too invasive to pass but i dont trust goverment enough already.

Im sorry i cant link it tt but it was just what the water cooler had to offer this morning. I was hoping someone could verify the heresay but theres been no responses. Who knows, maybe tomorrow.
Read the Leg. committee listened to the peeps comments and made 15 or 18 ? changes to the proposed legislation. Didn't de/reshedule was main point peeps didn't like. Or was this Ak. or Or, or Wash, can't remember.
I'm back into Washington for all this and from what I've heard recently 5052 passed and i'm not sure if its in that new bill or not... but supposedly by the end of the year they might only allow rec producers grow medical. I also heard recently that might be pushed to the end of next year. Any clarification would be nice as if its actually in the bill thats passed. But I'm pretty sure thats what Washington will decide to do, I've heard they have been one of the more fucked up states in how they regulate alcohol here so its no surprise...

Interested in hearing how Oregon will regulate it. Their laws seem to be the most relaxed out of the three so far. I believe they are planning public talks currently?
I'm back into Washington for all this and from what I've heard recently 5052 passed and i'm not sure if its in that new bill or not... but supposedly by the end of the year they might only allow rec producers grow medical. I also heard recently that might be pushed to the end of next year. Any clarification would be nice as if its actually in the bill thats passed. But I'm pretty sure thats what Washington will decide to do, I've heard they have been one of the more fucked up states in how they regulate alcohol here so its no surprise
Aww fuck! Thats what i was worried about. Fucking hb 5052. I tried reading the thing online and it didnt seem...well id know if i was reading the right one. 48 pages of crap later. Greedy bastards. Peny pinchin stealin creeps.
Well it seems they are trying to make less of a grey / black market... but still fucking lots of collectives in the meantime.

Again, just from what I've heard, they will increase the total amount of legal licenses and let many dispensaries change over to legal retailers. So they are trying to make it easier for people to get into the legal business by eradicating the unregulated market and taxing that (medical) as well... I would imagine medical will still be slightly cheaper but you will actually have to go to a real doctor in a hospital to get a prescription for it. Right now their laws here say it has to be a physical condition, so insomnia doesn't get you a prescription, in Cali thats different for the better. Thats fucking ridiculous a substance that changes your mood wouldn't be good for insomnia? Insomnia can be more debilitating if you cant ever sleep and your all tired and loose your job, compared to a slight bumb knee that I got my card for because it was a "physical" debilitation. Anyway rant over... the bill is a one step closer, two steps back kinda thing I think.. but in the right direction
Well it seems they are trying to make less of a grey / black market... but still fucking lots of collectives in the meantime.

Again, just from what I've heard, they will increase the total amount of legal licenses and let many dispensaries change over to legal retailers. So they are trying to make it easier for people to get into the legal business by eradicating the unregulated market and taxing that (medical) as well... I would imagine medical will still be slightly cheaper but you will actually have to go to a real doctor in a hospital to get a prescription for it. Right now their laws here say it has to be a physical condition, so insomnia doesn't get you a prescription, in Cali thats different for the better. Thats fucking ridiculous a substance that changes your mood wouldn't be good for insomnia? Insomnia can be more debilitating if you cant ever sleep and your all tired and loose your job, compared to a slight bumb knee that I got my card for because it was a "physical" debilitation. Anyway rant over... the bill is a one step closer, two steps back kinda thing I think.. but in the right direction
The right direction would be to just let people grow and smoke it if they want to, period. Oregon did it. Anyway, thats a whole new rant.
A few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch through. A few growers selling there extra meds on the black market is there excuse. I just grow for me and I and want to keep it that way. But things will probably get all fustered up
A few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch through. A few growers selling there extra meds on the black market is there excuse. I just grow for me and I and want to keep it that way. But things will probably get all fustered up
Ya, things are still up in the air from what ive heard. Theres a chance they may let WA grow a few plants per person for everyone, or make the medical growers report to the government from what im hearing. Either way itll take a year to change anythingis it even changes at all. Either way, blackmarket or not, its still money going into WA economy and not to mexico or california. Im not opposed to California getting some of the money lol but at least Washingtonians are profiting a bit.
Bill 5052 is bullshit. It is designed to force medical patients and rec users a like into heavily taxed retail stores. It is designed to prevent patient farmers to be able to donate there extra meds to help cover cost or growing. It is designed to allow big business to monopolize the industry. For all of us who have been making our way in the medical industry its Oregon or the black market.
Bill 5052 is bullshit. It is designed to force medical patients and rec users a like into heavily taxed retail stores. It is designed to prevent patient farmers to be able to donate there extra meds to help cover cost or growing. It is designed to allow big business to monopolize the industry. For all of us who have been making our way in the medical industry its Oregon or the black market.
Good points. Its sad but true. There wil always be underground growers. Good luck throwing people in jail for drugs when theyre accidentally selling the public seeds. Amatures...
If the state wants to cut down on black market they should know that restrictions are not going to help, let everyone have the opportunity to grow there own. Oregon is starting out better.
If the state wants to cut down on black market they should know that restrictions are not going to help, let everyone have the opportunity to grow there own. Oregon is starting out better.
I dont think they really can do that with all the 502 growers now in buisness. That would ruin all those people that just paid legaly to start farming marijuana. Theres probably a lot of tax dollars being spent right now thanks to having stores selling marijuana to the public with no restrictions besides quantity. The post offices are probably getting pretty stinky ;)