Anyone heard about America, Canada & Mexico forming a union?


Well-Known Member

Ok, someone emailed me this youtube clip about this. It talks about Bush signing something in 2005 that would form America, Canada and Mexico into something called the North American Union...

I normally don't get paranoid when I smoke, but maybe this is just that...

Anyone else heard anything about it? Is this for real, or am I just too faded?
Yeah the NAU has been in talks for a while.

It's 100% real. We'll all operate under one currency...The amero.

They've already started the assembly of the north american army.

a bill allowing Either military to provide aide during times of "unrest".

Also the "implication" of the real I.D. system will allow them to track North americans

more effectively. It's coming.
Wtf no way...I remember reading about that chip a few years back but I didn't really pay attention and just thought it was some sort of experiment. Hell no I don't want that thing in'll just make me more paranoid like they're fucking watching me or something :shock: like the satellites will point to us and watch us with a camera when you're outside or something....oh shit I can actually see that happening...

They're already building the Superhighway.
Foreign contractors.
Chinese goods go to Mexican ports, Beaner trucks roll right through with impunity all the way up into Canada.
RFID stations all along the way.

Resist, and you'll find yourself in a Concentration camp.

Brave New World.

Pots illegal, but you'll be on Prozac and Zoloft.
Uhh can you explain to me what exactly do they mean by "turning the chip off"
concentration camp?!!?!

fuck I need to smoke another bowl
what exactly is this chip? I havn't heard anything about it. can someone fill me in on any details? pm if you can... or just post it here, might help others as well.

just one step closer to a globle nation... could be good...could be bad... i guess it all depends on whos in charge...
It's all about the NWO (New World Order). This is what 9/11 was all about people!!! Bush Sr told us about this years ago. If things keep up the way they are, we will have a one world government before too long. The North American Union is closer than you think. Remember when Europe unified and went to the Euro? That will be happening here soon enough. the economy is already on a downward spiral which is the classic sign of the things to come. For anyone truly interested in this, have a read. These people have had their hands in the worlds events since before the US was founded:
Timeline of the Rothschild family
VeriChip Corporation

That's the website of the corporation. They make the damn things and get people to put them in their kids, incase the kids ever go missing. Some of the videos on Youtube have people saying that if you LOVE your kids you'd do it. One guy was saying that all "safe" people should be willing to get a chip, and anyone who doesn't have one should be viewed with suspicion.

But what I can't believe is that our constitutional rights will really just be out the door! How can that happen? Isn't that...unconstitutional?

I'm with Zen, we need a revolution.
The Constitution went out the window when the US joined the UN (United Nations). The UN treaty that we signed supercedes any participating governments prewritten constitution.

We do need a revolution.
I'm reading that Timeline of the Rothschild family, and JESUS, I've never even heard of the Rothschilds! I'm not even done yet reading yet.

Whatever happened to the belief that "Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security"? I guess too many people would rather feel safe...
THIS IS FUCKED UP...HOW CAN ANYONE ALLOW THIS SHIT TO BE PUT IN THEM? They wont be putting anything in my body while I'm alive, thats for fucking sure. They'll have to kill me before that happens. how can people get brainwashed into thinking that this is a good thing? are we really that sheepish that we just follow what other people think is right for us? I can't believe that anyone would put up with that shit. If we don't have a revolution when they try to impliment this... I'd rather die by my own hand then be under their supervision for the rest of my life. FUCK the government and their bullshit.... why do Americans keep electing people that want this type of shit?
why do Americans keep electing people that want this type of shit?
Dude we have no choice in the matter. Every single person that is trying to be president is a member of the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) which is the backbone of this whole operation. These people who run the countries involved in this (BTW there are only five that are not: Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya) are pre selected long before we ever hear of them.

Hmmmm....I wonder if the shit we hear about North Korea and Iran are true, or just propaganda for the Rothschilds to take over/buy out their countries as well????:roll:
I'm reading that Timeline of the Rothschild family, and JESUS, I've never even heard of the Rothschilds! I'm not even done yet reading yet.
What about the Bilderbergers, or the Rockafellers, ever heard of them? There is a network of 13 families that are the heads of all of this; with Nathan Rothschild at the top. :neutral: