Anyone Heard Of 36 Hours of Darkness before you switch To 12/12

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
all you need to do is create stress. stress induces faster flower sets. ive done many diff light times and they do a slight diff,. i would go as far as saying great,.to be honest i get better results form just shaking the plpoant a couple times a day and not mess with the light.


Well-Known Member
all you need to do is create stress. stress induces faster flower sets
you could do it, iv tried it before but didnt really see much difference !!!

also i would not intentionally cause the plants stress

stress creates a chance for hermi`s !!!


Well-Known Member
WTF are you guys doing trying to intentionally stress the plants? You're not supposed to do the 36 hours of dark between veg and flowering. If you do it, it should be at the end of the flowering cylce. Essentially, you are tricking the plant into believing that it's an "end of the world" scenario, so it forces it to produce bigger buds/more THC in a last ditch effort to catch male pollen to be fertilized to continue the life cycle.

Let me ask you this; do these plants get 36 hours of darkness between veg and flower in nature? No they don't. Keep the plants as stress free as possible, that is the best way to get the most/best bud.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
haha...and does nature shut down at the end this isnt nature its a grow room. and its totaly fine as long as they are stable gentics. and at the end there isnt time to grow more bud anyways. ive done all that and had the results tested in a lab. nothing to show its doing anything to bennefit us.

and at the end the thc and others actualy stop and it makes male parts....nanners. to reproduce. as it does when we polenate them. they slow bud production for seeding


Well-Known Member
haha...and does nature shut down at the end this isnt nature its a grow room. and its totaly fine as long as they are stable gentics. and at the end there isnt time to grow more bud anyways. ive done all that and had the results tested in a lab. nothing to show its doing anything to bennefit us.

and at the end the thc and others actualy stop and it makes male parts....nanners. to reproduce. as it does when we polenate them. they slow bud production for seeding
Uhmm.... no.

Actually a grow room is supposed to mimic nature as closely as possible. Why isn't there time at the end to let the plant grow more? Stable genetics only go so far. Stress is stress. What's the name of the lab you had all this tested in? There are very, VERY few, if any labs in the US that do research on marijuana. Its illegal on the federal level. Unless you are in another country?

And lets get this straight: at the end of its life cycle, yes eventually it won't produce any more thc. Thats a given, the plant is dying and its maxed out. But why would it produce nanners? I've only had that happen during the flowering process, not at the end, although I'm sure it's entirely possible. However, there isn't enough time for a seed to develop from a "nanner" if it only appears at the end of the life cylce. Seeds normally take 4-5 weeks to fully develop into a viable seed. The real answer is the plant is at the end of its life cycle, and it simply wilts and dies.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
um cause in nature thats how they try to reproduce...they get nanners and self pollenate to continue. our weather prohibits that.
well if now your agreeing the thc stops and the bud building then why tell him thats what it will do before???. kinda contradicting isnt it. im just tryin to pass on science not theory.

the lab is here................i work with Dr Hornby, how owns this place. and ya were canna-dian. fully federaly legal.


Active Member
WTF are you guys doing trying to intentionally stress the plants? You're not supposed to do the 36 hours of dark between veg and flowering. If you do it, it should be at the end of the flowering cylce. Essentially, you are tricking the plant into believing that it's an "end of the world" scenario, so it forces it to produce bigger buds/more THC in a last ditch effort to catch male pollen to be fertilized to continue the life cycle.

Let me ask you this; do these plants get 36 hours of darkness between veg and flower in nature? No they don't. Keep the plants as stress free as possible, that is the best way to get the most/best bud.
I agree with this statement. I actually intentionally stress the shit out of my plants the last 5 days before chop down. I turn off the lights for 36 hours and then switch to 6 on 18 off for the last 5 days while dropping my rez temps down to the 50's. I haven't done a side by side but my plants were the best smoke I've ever had.

That being said, I try very hard to do absolutely nothing to stress my plants up to that point. You're welcome to do the 36 hours of darkness, but i only see that as a way to promote hermies.

Happy growing to you.


Well-Known Member
um cause in nature thats how they try to reproduce...they get nanners and self pollenate to continue. our weather prohibits that.
well if now your agreeing the thc stops and the bud building then why tell him thats what it will do before???. kinda contradicting isnt it. im just tryin to pass on science not theory.

the lab is here................i work with Dr Hornby, how owns this place. and ya were canna-dian. fully federaly legal.
Your weather prohibits what? Why would it prohibit a marijuana plant from growing nanners? We're talking about an indoor grow, aren't we? You talk about it as though that is the ONLY way marijuana reproduces itself when its not.

You need to reread my post. Even if the plant produces "nanners" at the end of the grow cycle, there isn't enough time for the pollen from those "nanners" to pollinate itself and develop a viable seed. Thats why "nanners" show up part way through flowering, so there's enough time for seeds to develop before the plant dies. But, you never gave me an answer about that. If you truly do work with the famous Dr. Hornby, surely you would know that, being the "expert". You sure don't seem to have the grammar or spelling capacity to be an experienced biologist, IMO.

And also, that 36 hour dark time at the end of flowering will help push THC production further than normal, like I said, in a last ditch effort to catch male pollen. I never said the THC doesn't stop being produced. Eventually it WILL stop, especially when the plant dies. Do you have your own garden? I do, my wife and I have corn, carrots, onions, broccoli, green peppers, strawberries....a few others. If you are any kind of farmer/gardener/biologist/scientist you would see that most of this is common sense stuff.

Brick Top

New Member
pokesalotasmot;4437847But why would it produce nanners?

That is what female plants do. A female plant only has one single purpose to exist and that is to make seeds to perpetuate the plant strain and there are various different bits in their genetic coding where if they are not pollinated they will try to find a way to pollinate themselves. It is a last ditch attempt to reproduce. It is one of the processes that are used to make feminized beans, it is called Rodelization and also the Soma Method. It does not make the most stable of beans since it creates and then tends to pass on the hermi trait, but all someone has to do is to let female plants grow for roughly 10 to 14 days longer than the longest they should and they will normally see bananas.


Well-Known Member
Haha, you like watching people on the internet argue, don't you? ;)

In the end, do what you want with your grow. If you believe that that dark time before flowering helps, by all means, try it. Experience is the best teacher. All I can say is that last year, when I was growing bag seed, I finished one of my grows with a 3 or 4 day dark time at the end. And by far, IMO, that bud came out better in the end, than the same strain did from previous grows NOT using that last dark period. And thats the way I plan to do it from now on, but thats just me.


Well-Known Member
Brick Top..... I understand that. I never said that "nanners" wouldn't come from a female, and I never said it was impossible for it to happen at the end of the life cycle. All I'm saying is that in my experience growing bag seed, if my plants grew "nanners" it was mid way through flowering, that's all. :blsmoke:

My problem is people that claim they work with these scientists, but they can't spell or use proper grammer.


Well-Known Member
That is what female plants do. A female plant only has one single purpose to exist and that is to make seeds to perpetuate the plant strain and there are various different bits in their genetic coding where if they are not pollinated they will try to find a way to pollinate themselves. It is a last ditch attempt to reproduce. It is one of the processes that are used to make feminized beans, it is called Rodelization and also the Soma Method. It does not make the most stable of beans since it creates and then tends to pass on the hermi trait, but all someone has to do is to let female plants grow for roughly 10 to 14 days longer than the longest they should and they will normally see bananas.
good info +rep


Well-Known Member
Haha, you like watching people on the internet argue, don't you? ;)

In the end, do what you want with your grow. If you believe that that dark time before flowering helps, by all means, try it. Experience is the best teacher. All I can say is that last year, when I was growing bag seed, I finished one of my grows with a 3 or 4 day dark time at the end. And by far, IMO, that bud came out better in the end, than the same strain did from previous grows NOT using that last dark period. And thats the way I plan to do it from now on, but thats just me.
its cool to see peoples point of view, i already do the 36 at the end, dont think i am going to try b4 12/12

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Yea it worked for me. I got pistils within a few days after the 12/12 switch, when i did the 36 dark, as opposed to the over a week wait till pistils popped with the usual method.