anyone here have squirrels?


Well-Known Member
I used to have one as a kid. Found it abandoned after a big storm. They are very cool animals! My dad used to take it to the store and it would sit on the steering wheel while he was driving. Then he would put it in his pocket and it would stick its head out. We called it chipper.


Well-Known Member
I used to have one as a kid. Found it abandoned after a big storm. They are very cool animals! My dad used to take it to the store and it would sit on the steering wheel while he was driving. Then he would put it in his pocket and it would stick its head out. We called it chipper.
i thought i was the only kid that had a squirrel as a pet.


Well-Known Member
I had a pet squirrel ..When my sons where young the cats caught one and brought him into the house. the boys wanted to keep him so we did. Hubby made a big inside cage for him. He used to sit on are shoulders in the evening he'd climb up your pant legs. We really enjoyed old Nutley the kids named him. Sad ending. The kids had a friend over one day and he fed him a bag of chocolate covered M&Ms.. I didn't know he did..The next day he died it must of been the chocolate!
I just bought a squirrel feeder on ebay. Its a maze for them to climb in through a wooden box through a short tube and into a gallon glass jar..You put the peanuts and sun flower seeds in the jar..Then you can watch them inside the jar eating. It hasn't arrived yet. I'll post a pic owhen I get a squirrel inside the jar eating! I have a whole back yard full of them..Its great cat TV for the 5 meows on these long snowy days..

This ones a goody


New Member
Yes! :? We have squirrels.
We don't get them in the house but they somehow manage to get into our garage plus they sit on the bird feeder stuffing their faces full of birdseed. They also dig up all my spring bulbs and eat them. They're cute but they are checky buggers.

We used to drive our shepherd crazy by pointing through the window at the squirrels up in the trees at the fron of the house so she started chasing them whenever she saw one.

Last year while doing my spring gardens I told her about the squirrel in the tree just to keep her out of my hair so off she went after it.

A while later while digging in my garden she comes over and spits out this dead squirrel right in front of me as if to say'

"here, you wanted it." :roll::-? (lovely:-|)


Well-Known Member
Damn Tree Rats, they are useless rodents. They damn near caught my house on fire.


Well-Known Member
my X brother in-law does Humane Wild Animal Control,,cuz here in Canada yur not allowed to kill some animals,,your supposed to have them trapped and taken away and released,,thus the term Humane,,anyway,,I used to hang with him in the winter and early spring,,one time I had a baby raccoon for about a month,,got it healthy,and we released it,he used to go everywhere with me,on my shoulder,,but then another time,I had 3 baby squirrels,,in a bird cage,,they had a lil dropper thingy to suck from,,and they used to eat Quaker Harvest Crunch,,twirlin the little balls around in there lil hands,,smart lil fukkers too,,they new EXACTLY where the latch to the door was,,and used too naww there constantly,,finally got them off too,,but I heard there was a couple squirrels downtown lookin for ya fdd,,,,They think your fukkin NUTS:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Active Member
I used to have one as a kid. Found it abandoned after a big storm. They are very cool animals! My dad used to take it to the store and it would sit on the steering wheel while he was driving. Then he would put it in his pocket and it would stick its head out. We called it chipper.
my wife and i found a baby one that was in attic but got lost.Was a cool pet we hand fed it and later on it would ride my kids skateboard.I put it in pocket also and carried it around.His name was rocky.Prob one of the best pets i ever had to be honest.was really rot ended up biting it in half.


Too many brownies
Heres my old pet squirrel, she was the cutest little thing ever. I didnt even have her in a cage. I made a nice little tree with a hammock in the corner of my bedroom. She always hung around that area unless I came in the room. :blsmoke:
