Actually the definition of Yakuza, what is Yakuza? Nobody knows. Are tattoos meaning Yakuza? If it is, I got tattoos all over my body. Is Yakuza meaning that you do business and have friendship with Yakuza? Yeah, I do. So I don't know... am I Yakuza? Also, another thing about Yakuza, you have to be a Japanese citizen. I'm not a Japanese citizen. I do have a lot of friends that are Yakuza but I do not really associate with ones that deal with drugs, ones that fuck people over, or ones that work with child pornography. I do not deal with any of those guys. But I do deal with a lot of Yakuzas.
I stay in Osaka. Herb out here's shitty, and none of it is produced via hydro-grows. Actually, I just spoke to someone about that, and I think your friend was mistaken, the Nigerians don't run anything over here. Yakuza run all the vices over here. Ya, it's pricey.