Anyone interested in a group buy for LED grow lights?

I'm back! haha I think it is crazy that you are taking automotive and horticulture because thats what I did. I actually got a degree in automotive technology (auto mechanics) and now I am about 4 semesters away from a degree in horticulture specializing in fruit and vegetable production. Horticulture classses are a blast. Especially if they are labs. Best of luck to you!
damn thats too bad more weren't interested! I would love to do this myself but I think that right now most people are concerned about sending money ANYWHERE other than the company itself. And if the company had to send it to one place then who's to stop me from just saying "peace fuckers" and taking off with three or four 600w panels? If there was a way to GUARANTEE shipment of the product after payment has been made I, and probably many more, would be quite down for something like this as I want an LED panel but funds hold me back on anything that I would want.
I bought an LED light from ebay to see what it is like,they are ok for propogation.Dunno bout a full grow.You would need to provide the heat in colder countrys,HPS is perfect for me as my grow area is the perfect temp with the heat my light makes.If its made in China I would stay away from them.
Be careful with chinese manufactures on ebay as soon as anything becomes popular, you tend to see a plethora of Chinese knockoffs on ebay and amazon, often the product has similar specs and looks exactly the same but the end result is something that does not perform as intended, I have purchased lasers diodes and many DIY components such as led's from chinese manufactures before and all i gotta say is do your research before investing lots of cash into something like this. What about doing a group buy with some of the more trusted led growlight companies such as procyon or lightblaze400 ,growl led(doberman) , sunshine systems if you were to contact one of these companies for a lower price I would defiantly be interested.
I seen a great led company in soft secrets Dutch green grow these guys also do nutrients they say are tailored for led growers,dunno bout that but their lights look great.
Hey y'all. Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Financial issues, you know how that goes. Anywho, I have gravitated from buying a pre-made LED lamp setup to planning a design for my own. When I get the chance to do that, you'll hear from me again concerning LEDs...until I get my finances straightened out, I'll be concentrating on setting up a grow utilizing CMH and HPS lamps.