I would suggest getting it on console rather than PC if you have that option. I personally like how fluid the game plays with a controller they did a fine job of transforming it from PC to Console.
Also I paid for the subscription as it is 15 bucks a month and you get 1500 crowns with it plus 10% bonus gold, experience, inspiration. Not really something that is going to be a game changer but the 10% experience does add up AND the expansion costs 2500 crowns so if you pay for two months of eso plus you basically can get the expansion for free (or you can get the eso plus and never upgrade to the expansion as long as you have eso plus you can play it.)
I played WoW when it first came out until the panda thing, I felt like the game went from extremely challenging to extremely easy. Don't like the changes they have made with that game and all the time sink that they want you to do just to be competitive.
I picked up ESO and hopped right into whatever I wanted, dungeons, pvp, exploring without feeling like I HAVE to go from this fetch quest to this other one. I like how they have rifts and world bosses and I also like how it keeps the factions separate other than being in the pvp zone. So no one is going to gank you while you are questing other than a monster.