anyone know how to dry okra seeds?


Active Member
got 9 BIG okra pods i cut off my okra plants and i want to use the seeds for next year, do i leave them in the pod or cut em out to properly dry em?


Active Member
Easy way just leave them on the plant to dry worked forever. If you do not pick them the plant will stop producing. My commercial seeds were black what falls out fresh are white. So let me know how they 'dry' I will see at first frost what is on the plant was going to be seed next year.



Some Tips:-
1.Put gloves on prior to harvesting okra pods. The okra plant has tiny hairs that can be irritating to sensitive skin.
2.Using a sharp knife or small pair of scissors, cut mature, toughened okra pods from the plant at the base of the stem.
3.Place okra pods on drying screen and position in a warm, dry, well-ventilated, moisture-free area to dry.
4.Rotate okra pods every other day to ensure even drying.
5.Allow pods to dry completely; two to six weeks, depending on temperatures and environment. Pods are dry when you can hear the seeds rattle inside when you shake them.
6.Open pods to remove seeds over a tin pie plate.
7.Store dry seeds in a glass jar with the lid sealed until the next planting season.

