Anyone know how to make X?


Well-Known Member
A pretty dream once came to me
in which I saw an apple tree
two pretty apples gleamed on it
they tempted me so I climbed a bit

The pretty apples man entice
Since they first grew in Paradise
And I am moved with joy to know
That such within my garden grow

It seems Barnbuster is an educated man, now I really hate him :)


Virtually Unknown Member
They dance, they chat, they cook, they drink, they court:
Now where, just tell me, is there better sport?


Well-Known Member
Gonna have to go with the next line as an answer :)

Wilt thou, to introduce us to the revel,
Assume the part of wizard or of devil?

Walpurgis Nacht is possibly my favorite part of the play.


Well-Known Member
There once was a man from nantucket...tried to make molly,but then said fuckit,I got better shit growing in this here buckit.


Active Member
this just shows how mature people have gotten from 2011 to 2013...where people actually stayed on topic...smh


Well-Known Member
This from the dude who bumped a thread that hadn't in been active in two years with a comment that added nothing to the topic. Pot to kettle much. Considering how much I have contributed to the discussion I really don't think you have a leg to stand on there buddy.
I'm having a pretty shitty day and those few posts with BB brightened it.


Active Member
dont be so sensitive...what i said was that i've learned so much after reading 8 pages of intent was to bring it back live and see if in 2 years there was any new info...methods...etc...and i get nursery rhymes back...i understand your crappy day...but there is other places to get satisfaction from...your the one who veered off topic buddy...


Well-Known Member
Nursery rhymes? a great work of art and I added a half ass limerick..I saw no mother goose here..just
'To have you call me child'...


Well-Known Member
Nursery rhymes? a great work of art and I added a half ass limerick..I saw no mother goose here..just
'To have you call me child'...


Well-Known Member
Nursery rhymes? Now that's insulting. Goethe is the German Shakespeare as far as his influence on the language and was probably the last true Renaissance man.
Had you asked a question you would have gotten an answer.


Well-Known Member
Also BigL if you're interested in MDMA chemistry there's a much better thread linked in my sig. Read it and I will happily answer any questions that you have.


Active Member
Also BigL if you're interested in MDMA chemistry there's a much better thread linked in my sig. Read it and I will happily answer any questions that you have.
Now thats more like it MRED...from your seem to be pretty knowledgeable...I could most likely learn alot from you...I am interested...highly...but don't have the resources available...need to get an investor!


Well-Known Member
I figured if you'd read te thead you might've seen thelink in my sig and read that. Or you know posted a question. It was a bit of thread necromancy that added nothing to the discussion. So we started another one that I personally enjoyed quite a bit.