Anyone Know Need To Know!!


It will not stop growing but will over mature and you will have wasted your time. Once the trichs begin to swell and the white hairs start to change colors such as amber, red, purple, orange, etc. they turn different colors depending on your strand but when 75% of the hairs have changed time to harvest.


Active Member
I ask because Im going to use a metal halide for end of flowering to increase thc level and trichromes but I want to wait until buds are grown.


Well-Known Member
What you will find is that because all the seed companys say finish in 8 week everyone tends to finish in 8 week.But i have been flowering for 10/12 week and my yeild have been un real,talking about 9/12 oz bone dry per plant.but be very careful with seeds, because fem seeds will produce seeds at some point,far quicker than a clone of a female.But even a clone of a female will end up wanting to produce male parts to carry the species.The whole idea about growing under indoors is to get the room to the perfect temp and humidity that the plant will produce the max yeild.and pushing the plants to there very limits.................................................tyke