Anyone know what’s going on here

They should pull through if you stop feeding them. Taking notes helps for sure.
I’ts just been plain water the whole grow so far. The soil probably has too much fert in it. I’ll try going for run off but the root system isn’t developed enough. The pot will stay wet for a week I bet. I’ll try going to run off with some of them. Feed issue It makes sense cause I noticed they were really rockin after transplant for about three weeks and then the yellowing and I do notice when I press on the stalk the plants aren’t as firmly in the pot as they should be…as if there’s a root development issue. You’re probably right. Probably just too much feed
I’ts just been plain water the whole grow so far. The soil probably has too much fert in it. I’ll try going for run off but the root system isn’t developed enough. The pot will stay wet for a week I bet. I’ll try going to run off with some of them. Feed issue It makes sense cause I noticed they were really rockin after transplant for about three weeks and then the yellowing and I do notice when I press on the stalk the plants aren’t as firmly in the pot as they should be…as if there’s a root development issue. You’re probably right. Probably just too much feed
Oh ya. ProMix already has lime too. I wasn't thinking since I don't use it, but I remember people talking about it. So Ca toxicity totally makes sense to me.
These 5 look like what I expect them too. Had to be me not measuring everything the same. I’d make the mix in a tub that does fits enough mix to make 2 transplants so it wasn’t mixed up and done all in one batch 84853079-B594-437F-B1F1-278B89B4CFDB.jpeg
I’m thinking definitely k deficiency and not from ph since I’ve added the lime. I always add this much lime but this is more fertilizer than I’ve ever added before in the mix. After a lot of reading it’s narrowed down to too much calcium locking out potassium, too muc amonium nitrogen which is locking out K or too cold/temp swings Messing with k uptake. I doubt it’s the calcium. It’s probably the fertilizer and maybe the temp swings/cold floor with pots sitting directly on it. some of the plants did get weird limpish and droopin leaves within a few weeks of transplant. These symptoms only lasted a few days but I’ve seen this same thing in the past when feeding heavy with higher n epsoma products. Nitrogen deficiency is nowhere close to starting on the effected plants now. Nitrogen deficiency is present in one plant which does not have any k deficiency symptoms. Seems plants with higher n have k problem and plants with lower n don’t have k problem. think things will improve soon. Will post pics in a week..good or bad.
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The issue was overfertilization. Slight burning still happening with most plants now but it has slowed down. Looks like it won’t effect the harvest timing and everything will be able to finish in a month or so. Bud development is pretty good.
ph and ec of medium, with calibrated meters. must always be good for good plants
Turned out to be way too much fertilizer. They are all gonna make it ok but some of them lost an excessive amount of leaves due to burning. There’s still a bit too much feed in a few of the pots. Lowest leaves still very green. Usually I would have had to feed over a month ago. Lol. I did realize where I made the mistake in measuring. Ph has never been an issue for me. I always add lime. I considered it but after watching the plants and thinking more i came to a different conclusion and it is playing out how I thought it would…thankfully. Yield may suffer on a few plants but all in all I’m ok with it. Probably gonna get maybe 20 oz or so out of the 4x4
Plants were all cruising along nicely until the last week and half or so I noticed 5 of 16 plants having light leaf edges that eventually turn yellow while working it’s way in to the center of the leaf. Seems to be a bottom up issue but one of the plants has had this start from the top down. This is a mix I’m very familiar with and haven’t seen this issue before. I almost want to blame the led for some reason cause I’ve had some issues that I didn’t use to have since switching to them last round. Usually nitrogen or Calcium deficiency is first to show up in this mix and any excess that shows is always too much nitrogen if anything. This yellow leaf edges business is new to me. Pics are various stages of the yellowing in different plants. You can see on the one it’s a top down issue and on another it’s a bottom up issue but same leaf symptom. Promix with castings and lime added. RO water. Low strength epsoma dry fert was mixed in upon transplanting. I did top dress with some more after the first watering which I don’t usually do. I am seeing nitrogen deficiency start on two plants that aren’t pictured so it made me think this wasn’t a problem of excess of something in other pots. I’m stumpedView attachment 5019854View attachment 5019858View attachment 5019854View attachment 5019858
well its a mobile mineral issue