Anyone Know??

Does Anyone Know What Will Happen If I Cut Off All The Sun/Fan Leaves?? Will It Yield Small Or Bigger?? I'm Try'n With One Plant.. Just See'n If Anyone Has Ever Done It... What Are The Results.... Thank's


Well-Known Member
The only thing on the plant that photosynthesizes are the leaves. the more you cut off, the less of this process the plant can undergo. The less energy the plant has, the less it can produce. It is OK to selectively prune your plants by removing unwanted lower growth, however I would not suggest cutting off all the fan leaves.

The plants also uses the leaves to "exhale" toxins and oxygen and take in CO2.
Cool, Thank's people.. i will post more pic's thru out the grow... again thanks... last plant i did was kinda a experement and it looked like a lil palm tree bud'n at 5 weeks... had to kill it tho.. so sad... but yea i just took off the big leaves..... i dont think ima do much more to it... i've just seen plants that have no sun leaves and its nothin but bud.. just askin. thanks again....


Well-Known Member
There was actually a guy over at Breedbay who cut off all of his fan leaves during flower allowing only the leaves protruding from the buds to create photosynthesis and his grows turned out great, I'll try to find a link. I think the fan leaves may play a bigger part during veg than flower but I don't have any direct knowledge on the subject because I can't bring myself to cut off all of the leaves.

Link:Start at page 31 on this thread and you will see this guys grow from the beginning of flower and see how he does it ( page 34 is where he starts talking about trimming all of the extra leaf off.)