Anyone knows what is this ?


Active Member
Nop. Indoor. she started to do this after a watering and one spreying with alcamic(biobizz) on 4 leaves...the big ones


Well-Known Member
you should post a pic of the whole plant
seems your nutrient solution is a bit off. pH? too much ppm?

tell us about the medium and the food


Active Member
here are the stat :P
She is a Royal Dwarf (Royal queen bank)

Soil :algoflash (from my local supermarket)
ph: 5.5-6.0
salinity:1-2 g/l
dry materials:35%
organic materials:20%
water retention: 200 ml/l
air retention: 150 ml/l
those are the exact data from the packaging
and i added about 200gr perlite

lights at this point she is under 2 26w cold white cfl
and 2 23 warm white cfl
and im using biobizz nutes

and here are some pics

1 before the problem appeared

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and 2 after (this is after my last watering)

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I have tested my last watering's ph was about 6.8 and my runoff was about 6.5
the problem appeared 2 days after my last watering and those last 2 pics was for 3 days After the problem appered sorry if those pics are not good my camera is not that great :P
And thanks again for the help guys. Much apreciated :peace:


Active Member
at some point i had fungus gnats. i put a bowl with wine to catch the adults i let my soil dry and on the day that it was planned for watering i spayed a little water with some alcamix(of biobizz) the dosage was 1ml alcamix /littre (i didnt sprayed the whole littre just a few sprays)
and i did that because as the instructions of alcamic said i could use it in my watering mixture and as spraying. and somthing else i wanted to ask cause this is my first grow... as you can see my plant is a bit small but she is in her 29th day of her life is hse gona get bigger in flowering or she is going to start her buds from that height?


Well-Known Member
at some point i had fungus gnats. i put a bowl with wine to catch the adults i let my soil dry and on the day that it was planned for watering i spayed a little water with some alcamix(of biobizz) the dosage was 1ml alcamix /littre (i didnt sprayed the whole littre just a few sprays)
and i did that because as the instructions of alcamic said i could use it in my watering mixture and as spraying. and somthing else i wanted to ask cause this is my first grow... as you can see my plant is a bit small but she is in her 29th day of her life is hse gona get bigger in flowering or she is going to start her buds from that height?
Ya, the folier feed burnt them a little by the looks of it. It looks like the spot just sat there and burned the leaf as it evapourated...know what I mean?
Your plant is short.. that's a good thing.. means you have been using good light, and keeping it at a good distance. I've noticed that your plant from seed will get about 1 set of leaves a week when growing normally.. if you have 4 sets of leaves or better - they're doing great. Look good to me.
Your plant will stretch during the first 3 weeks you switch it to flower.. it can double or triple in size in that time, and then it starts to build bud.


Active Member
i can understand your thought about the burning,can that thing stress my plant to stop growing? im saying that because in my newbie eyes last week had 1 set of leaves every 2 days ... And to show you what i mean i gona post 2 pics
this one is on 28-11-11

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and this one is on 04-12-11 6 days after and 1 day before i watering and spray

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as you can see in the first pic the damaged leaf at that point she got out of her first stress situation

ahhh and somthing i forgot to mention she is an Auto feminised and as the seedbank says she got 2 months that a factor on how many sets of leaves are growing per week or somthing ??
and if that thing is stressing my plant what can i do to releaf her stress? and something else ... should i cut those damaged leaves or they will do their job just like that ?


Well-Known Member
As you are under cfls stop misting ,looks like a salt/residue build up from the foliar spray sitting on the leaf too long and spraying too often, the fluro wont dry the nutes/water on the leaves as quick as hid.


Well-Known Member
the new growth looks fine. (meaning the rest is only a pimple)


dont fuzz so much over your plant.


Active Member
well at least i hope you can understan my frustration . im in my first grow and things that i raid are happening to my know do you remember your first grow?? something like it ^^ hehe


New Member
A ph of 5.5 in soil is a lil low...
Try raising it a point and your problem should be solved


New Member
Yes it will be flucuating depending on what you put into it,but it will probably go lower
Lime will raise your ph and supply you with some essentials