alright couple more questions lol
do the shrooms need any light during any stage?
i was looking on mushbox and i didnt see any BRF jars, am i missing something or can i get those from a different site?
as far as a tub, does a clear rubbermaid with holes drilled into it work as a FC?
Shroom don't really "need" light during any stage. During fruiting it can help to initiate pinning a little faster in certain strains, and it also tells the mushrooms which direction to grow.
This can be helpful because if they all grow straight up towards the light source, they won't be bumping into each other during formation which can cause aborts. This means that if a mushroom pin is touched by another pin, sometimes they just stop growing. Misting too heavily and to harshly can cause this to happen also, so remember just to give it a couple misting squirts from high above the mushrooms when they begin to form.
BRF jars are the jars you had posted a link to.
They either come in grain, or verm/brown rice flower. The grain jars are infected and then used to spread the mycelium to other food sources like manure, straw, coffee grounds, and or coir. The plastic, half pint jars have the food source already in them, so you just colonize and fruit. The different in the two methods comes down to the fact that BRF jars need 100% humidity to fruit, and grain spawned to a bulk substrate needs only 80% because it has more surface area for evaporation.
I rubbermaid tub with holes cut in it works just fine. Remember to stuff the holes with polyfill pillow stuffing. This will trap and hold contam particles before they can touch your grow. "mostly" It isn't fool proof but it doesn help filter contams.
Don't feel bad asking questions. That is why I am here. =)