anyone no what's causing this??

If its not the damage from bugs that it looks like it is, does that stuff on the leaves wipe off ? I ask because I know some foliar sprays especially if its heavy doses will leave a residue on the leaves that looks very similar to bug damage.
Definitely looks like thrips. I just had the same issue. It took me a while to actually see any, so I was convinced they weren't there. They were. Look again. Get a magnifying glass. They can be tough to see.
use neem, every few days up untill bud set (3-4 week into flowering). Thrip or whitefly are more annoying than they are damaging. Yellow and blue sticky traps, keep medium damp not saturated, clear all dead leaves. Layer of diematious earth, that's not how you spell it.
You can get neem oil online. In the meantime You can use a non biological dish soap preferably lemon, foam it up in a bucket and cover the leaves in the foam, leave it for 20 to 30 mins and rinse them o with a foilar spray. Wouldnt suggest doing this if you have bud formation.
just get the sticky traps and layer the medium with the d'earth. I would leave the spraying, personally. Unless you're swarming with them, minor thrip damage might even increase resin production.
There not to bad the now there are buds all ready av just been to my grow shop guy gave me two smoke bombs said that's what he uses for his thrip problem anyone ever tried them??