anyone NOT play video games?

The only video games we had growing up were Atari and Nintendo....I stopped playing at around 17 years old when I moved out around 1989....I guess I also was hunting snatch back then as well lol.....

I prefer hands on real life games like playing pool, cards, darts, tennis,golf, hockey, atving....things like that....My buddy got a wii system for his fmaily and told me to try it ...I did but just didn't care for it really.
Never got into video games much. Not that there's anything wrong with them, they're just not for me.
The only video games we had growing up were Atari and Nintendo....I stopped playing at around 17 years old when I moved out around 1989....I guess I also was hunting snatch back then as well lol.....

I prefer hands on real life games like playing pool, cards, darts, tennis,golf, hockey, atving....things like that....My buddy got a wii system for his fmaily and told me to try it ...I did but just didn't care for it really.
Have you ever played steel tipped league darts? Our season just kicked off & we've been killing the opposition. Love that damn game - 180 last year in 1001.
Check out my hero - Phil (the Power) Taylor. The Brits have this game DOWN !

I have the Wii, PS3 and the 360, and all the earlier consoles. I don't play as much as I used to, probably buy 5-6 games a year. Batman Arkham City coming up next week, Skyrim next month, Uncharted 3 also all on my buy list
Have you ever played steel tipped league darts? Our season just kicked off & we've been killing the opposition. Love that damn game - 180 last year in 1001.
Check out my hero - Phil (the Power) Taylor. The Brits have this game DOWN !


wow those two 9 dart outs are sick....didn't think I was going to watch that whole video and I did...Funny how they take darts so serious in England...The announcers and crowd are so into it...I have never played in a league...We have a steel tip board here at the house along with a couple of decent sets of darts....Basically play sometimes when we're having drinks.
I got my son a Nintendo when he was 5. I thought it would be cool to play with him and since there were two controllers, we did that but there was a problem. I sucked and he was a prodigy. If you've never had your little 5 year old son say "Daddy, want me to get you through this part?", you've never been truly humbled. Fast-forward 20 years. I bought him a PS3 and some great games and I even bought a PS3 for myself with some Blu Ray movies. We play some shoot-em-up games and I'm nearly as good as he is. But my daughter (his older sister) was home and she flipped out when she saw all the carnage and totally went off on me. I have never played a single game since then and I sold the PS3 to my bro-in-law for $100 with about $400 worth of games. So, no I don't play video games; they obviously are not for me.