Don't know about IT Tech. But, in general, these tech schools will get you a job. And my wife goes to CC getting here techical project mgt cert and it sucks for her. Having started at Control Data Institute, back in the '80. with no college degree, I'm now a hiring technical senior manger at one of the top three in the world. (Think IBM, Oracle, or HP)
We are not interested in community college. Either you have a Masters in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering from MIT or a few other schools of that caliber, or you can demonstrate deep, hands on, understanding from a Tech School. And you need to show the certification of your high marks.
Just learning on the Internet??? That's a joke. I've 40 years in the biz now. We, unlike most sectors, are still hiring.
You will not get an interview, from me at least, without a Certificate of some kind. The Internet Church of Bob, won't cut it.

Thjere are so many folks, especially from India, that claim Java, but, I find only read some books.
Also, if you are interested in being a software developer, my first question will be; Oh? What did you code last night?
It's like being a musician. We can't stop learning or practicing.