Iv heard pretty much the same, and that instead of spitting into tissue or cloth whatever you cough up you should swallow it as apparently our digestive acids kill the virus.., warm or hot drinks as opposed to cold drinks, warm water etc, vinegar & or Lemon in warm water soloution to gargle & kill or neutralise virus at source, apparently the throat area where it takes a hold and tries to do its job. I got sent this info on a voice clip from some lady who had picked up some info from her friend a dr working in her local Hospital. Take it with a pinch of salt but sounds like sound advice to me..Best thing you can do apart from treating your clothes like a hazmat suit every time you come in, dump it straight in the wash and make a beeline for the shower. Is to have hot drink every hour or so to wash down germs into your stomach where they will be killed by acid.