Anyone on Rollitup have Coronavirus?

Best thing you can do apart from treating your clothes like a hazmat suit every time you come in, dump it straight in the wash and make a beeline for the shower. Is to have hot drink every hour or so to wash down germs into your stomach where they will be killed by acid.
Iv heard pretty much the same, and that instead of spitting into tissue or cloth whatever you cough up you should swallow it as apparently our digestive acids kill the virus.., warm or hot drinks as opposed to cold drinks, warm water etc, vinegar & or Lemon in warm water soloution to gargle & kill or neutralise virus at source, apparently the throat area where it takes a hold and tries to do its job. I got sent this info on a voice clip from some lady who had picked up some info from her friend a dr working in her local Hospital. Take it with a pinch of salt but sounds like sound advice to me..
Hopefully the defense production act will swing toilet paper production into high gear. Don't deprive the first world of it's Charmin! You won't like the results.
Iv heard pretty much the same, and that instead of spitting into tissue or cloth whatever you cough up you should swallow it as apparently our digestive acids kill the virus.., warm or hot drinks as opposed to cold drinks, warm water etc, vinegar & or Lemon in warm water soloution to gargle & kill or neutralise virus at source, apparently the throat area where it takes a hold and tries to do its job. I got sent this info on a voice clip from some lady who had picked up some info from her friend a dr working in her local Hospital. Take it with a pinch of salt but sounds like sound advice to me..
It enters our system via the lung's angiotensin receptors.

None of that will really do much. But it does give one a feeling of having something they can do and reduces spitting which can dry and then aerosolize and spread virus.
Swallowing the phlegm you cough up is recycling the toxic waste your body is trying to get rid of.

Gentlemen and ladies of the past carried handkerchiefs that they would discretely cover their coughs with and spit that crap into. Cretins would just spew it onto the sidewalks and could be arrested for it in a more polite society.

Society ain't so polite these days, sad to say. :(
It enters our system via the lung's angiotensin receptors.

None of that will really do much. But it does give one a feeling of having something they can do and reduces spitting which can dry and then aerosolize and spread virus.
I thought when it came out it was your body rejecting it, now let’s say it doesn’t get killed off in your stomach when it’s going through your intestines your gonna get reall sick
Swallowing the phlegm you cough up is recycling the toxic waste your body is trying to get rid of.

Gentlemen and ladies of the past carried handkerchiefs that they would discretely cover their coughs with and spit that crap into. Cretins would just spew it onto the sidewalks and could be arrested for it in a more polite society.

Society ain't so polite these days, sad to say. :(
I like the ones you meet on a job site and you shake their hand and ask them how they are and they say I’m getting really sick
I thought when it came out it was your body rejecting it, now let’s say it doesn’t get killed off in your stomach when it’s going through your intestines your gonna get reall sick
Oh, wow. Nobody wants to talk aboilut Taiwan and they are right at the center of it. The WHO refuses to aknowledge and report their numbers! They sent doctors to China and did an investigation back in Dec. from which they determined the virus was airborn and closed the borders immediately.

I expect there are three reasons why nobody will talk about Taiwan, one is China is being a big bully, two is how bad does it look for the WHO releasing statements that there is low likelyhood that the virus is airborn and no reason to restrict travel while it directly contradicts research that they had available. Three is that people don't want to aknowledge how well border restrictions worked.

How come when they talk about how many people are getting it and how many die tehy aren't sticking up the Flu stats for this season
They haven't published flu stats for 15 years. Now all flu deaths are grouped with pneumonia. If you look up early 2000s flu deaths they are around 5000 per year. Obviously some of the pneumonia deaths were flu too though.

What bothers me the most is the refusal to have a discussion on exactly how much is extending the life of an older person worth in terms of suffering of the younger generation. In ontario 700/800 deaths have occured in old age homes. These people are a tax burden on everyone. The reaction to this has been.. Ok I think, caution is good. But now that we have real data it is overblown.

I am adding this edit because of the shocked reactions and mentions of death squads. I don't mean we shouldn't try to help everyone but how many of these people would have died this year anyways? There are now 30 million more unemployed people, that's insane. I just want to say that without being heartless, there is a tradeoff to make.
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Oh, wow. Nobody wants to talk aboilut Taiwan and they are right at the center of it. The WHO refuses to aknowledge and report their numbers! They sent doctors to China and did an investigation back in Dec. from which they determined the virus was airborn and closed the borders immediately.

I expect there are three reasons why nobody will talk about Taiwan, one is China is being a big bully, two is how bad does it look for the WHO releasing statements that there is low likelyhood that the virus is airborn and no reason to restrict travel while it directly contradicts research that they had available. Three is that people don't want to aknowledge how well border restrictions worked.

They haven't published flu stats for 15 years. Now all flu deaths are grouped with pneumonia. If you look up early 2000s flu deaths they are around 5000 per year. Obviously some of the pneumonia deaths were flu too though.

What bothers me the most is the refusal to have a discussion on exactly how much is extending the life of an older person worth in terms of suffering of the younger generation. In ontario 700/800 deaths have occured in old age homes. These people are a tax burden on everyone. The reaction to this has been.. Ok I think, caution is good. But now that we have real data it is overblown.
remember when republicans were all worked up about democratic "Death Panels".....:twisted:
Oh, wow. Nobody wants to talk aboilut Taiwan and they are right at the center of it. The WHO refuses to aknowledge and report their numbers! They sent doctors to China and did an investigation back in Dec. from which they determined the virus was airborn and closed the borders immediately.

I expect there are three reasons why nobody will talk about Taiwan, one is China is being a big bully, two is how bad does it look for the WHO releasing statements that there is low likelyhood that the virus is airborn and no reason to restrict travel while it directly contradicts research that they had available. Three is that people don't want to aknowledge how well border restrictions worked.

They haven't published flu stats for 15 years. Now all flu deaths are grouped with pneumonia. If you look up early 2000s flu deaths they are around 5000 per year. Obviously some of the pneumonia deaths were flu too though.

What bothers me the most is the refusal to have a discussion on exactly how much is extending the life of an older person worth in terms of suffering of the younger generation. In ontario 700/800 deaths have occured in old age homes. These people are a tax burden on everyone. The reaction to this has been.. Ok I think, caution is good. But now that we have real data it is overblown.
Got a source for that?
What bothers me the most is the refusal to have a discussion on exactly how much is extending the life of an older person worth in terms of suffering of the younger generation. In ontario 700/800 deaths have occured in old age homes. These people are a tax burden on everyone. The reaction to this has been.. Ok I think, caution is good. But now that we have real data it is overblown.