Anyone on Rollitup have Coronavirus?

No. You’ve revealed that you think all those pesky old people should be denied lifesaving care. I mean, wouldn’t they have died anyway! Stop whitewashing murderous intent.
I honestly believe that the rest of the world shouod get on with it, and old people should be quarantined so that they don't overload the system and can get the lifesaving care they need.

My big beef with this is thay we are 15 million here and have only 200 people in icu. We are trying to drag this out as long as possible as containment is clearly not the goal here. Maybe they want to avoid herd immunity so they can push forced injections of an untested rushed through trials drug.
I honestly believe that the rest of the world shouod get on with it, and old people should be quarantined so that they don't overload the system and can get the lifesaving care they need.

My big beef with this is thay we are 15 million here and have only 200 people in icu. We are trying to drag this out as long as possible as containment is clearly not the goal here. Maybe they want to avoid herd immunity so they can push forced injections of an untested rushed through trials drug.
Aaaand there’s the conspiracy subtext, sigh
"Absolute power can only be supported by error, ignorance and prejudice"
Lord Chesterfield

I guess Alex Jones and the KoolAid Gang are moving on to cannibalism next. Eat the poor is the new crazy today.

“I will admit it — I would eat my neighbors,” Jones said. “I’m not letting my kids die. I’m just going to be honest. My superpower is being honest. I’ve extrapolated this out — and I won’t have to for a few years because I’ve got food and stuff — but I’m literally looking at my neighbors now and going, ‘I’m ready to hang ’em up and gut ’em and skin ’em.”
Alex Jones 1 May 2020

Aaaand there’s the conspiracy subtext, sigh
Piss off and don't misconstrue what I've said. We have real data that says we are being too cautious, which wasn't a bad thing, and now it is time for life closer to usual excepting probably schools, sporting events, churches..

Nobody knows why people do the things they do, but many different people have many different agendas and fyi only three people advancing their own agenda within a large organisation would meet the definition of a conspiracy, so clearly conspiracies are happening every day but they are an accepted part of life.
Piss off and don't misconstrue what I've said. We have real data that says we are being too cautious, which wasn't a bad thing, and now it is time for life closer to usual excepting probably schools, sporting events, churches..

Nobody knows why people do the things they do, but many different people have many different agendas and fyi only three people advancing their own agenda within a large organisation would meet the definition of a conspiracy, so clearly conspiracies are happening every day but they are an accepted part of life.
You have made your agenda clear.

We aren’t being cautious enough, and that will begin to show itself in a month or so.
Piss off and don't misconstrue what I've said. We have real data that says we are being too cautious, which wasn't a bad thing, and now it is time for life closer to usual excepting probably schools, sporting events, churches..

Nobody knows why people do the things they do, but many different people have many different agendas and fyi only three people advancing their own agenda within a large organisation would meet the definition of a conspiracy, so clearly conspiracies are happening every day but they are an accepted part of life.
the first wave of Spanish Flu in 1918 killed 5 million......the second wave killed 50 aint the time to unlock. :roll:
with guys like trippyDick around is it really a wonder why I dig foxholes?....
It is good that you are relying on yourself through your old age, as these people aren't. Not that we won't all end up there someday, but presumably we've had a long and fulfilling life up until that point, why deprive younger people of the same thing.

You have made your agenda clear
If my agenda is to waste time in the company lunchroom while sharing my real opinions and reasons for believing so, and reading others opinions and reasons for believing so, in hopes of increasing my understanding of the world. Then yeah, you got me. Sucks about the trolls though, many places online have real potential.
It is good that you are relying on yourself through your old age, as these people aren't. Not that we won't all end up there someday, but presumably we've had a long and fulfilling life up until that point, why deprive younger people of the same thing.

If my agenda is to waste time in the company lunchroom while sharing my real opinions and reasons for believing so, and reading others opinions and reasons for believing so, in hopes of increasing my understanding of the world. Then yeah, you got me. Sucks about the trolls though, many places online have real potential.
Nice try tossing “ the trolls” under the bus.

Your real opinions, if that is fact, are marred by bigotry. You advocate letting people die by diverting the healthcare they have earned. You valuate them at zero. Why this blatant bigotry?
It is good that you are relying on yourself through your old age, as these people aren't. Not that we won't all end up there someday, but presumably we've had a long and fulfilling life up until that point, why deprive younger people of the same thing.

If my agenda is to waste time in the company lunchroom while sharing my real opinions and reasons for believing so, and reading others opinions and reasons for believing so, in hopes of increasing my understanding of the world. Then yeah, you got me. Sucks about the trolls though, many places online have real potential.
so what's your Soilent Green age limit?.....what age do we end life for the good of all?....what's your view on woman's right to choose?
The only way any ‘good’ can come out of this is if there is a positive change for the better. Like, the creation of a utopia afterwards. A epiphany by USA and the world, where the rich 1% are no more and the poor starving people of the world get a few $$ to live. And as for the waffle I’m about to eat- grains grown in USA, then sent to China to be ground into flour. Then shipped to kasickstan to be pressed into a waffle shape. Then sent to bangleadesh for packaging, then sent to Toronto for distribution, and then sent to me. Wow meanwhile I am a grain farmer. How dumb. That needs to stop.
It should be highly encouraged that everyone grow a garden. Those who do get a garden tax rebate. There are people out there that don’t know that you can grow FOOD for FREE. There are also a lot of very unsmart people out there..
I have a Nutrimill to grind my wheatberries.
I honestly believe that the rest of the world shouod get on with it, and old people should be quarantined so that they don't overload the system and can get the lifesaving care they need.
That's what Nazi's told the Jews and infirm, they were being quarantined for the good of the system and were going to get the care they deserved.
These new age nazis just come out and say it openly now, like it's alright.

That was the point of Alex Jones' rant, to just be joking about cannibalism so that euthanasia seems like a reasonable point.
Moves the yardstick closer to the goal, and chum eaters gobble it up. Thought that would be obvious, but it whooshed over your head at altitude.
I honestly believe that the rest of the world shouod get on with it, and old people should be quarantined so that they don't overload the system and can get the lifesaving care they need.

My big beef with this is thay we are 15 million here and have only 200 people in icu. We are trying to drag this out as long as possible as containment is clearly not the goal here. Maybe they want to avoid herd immunity so they can push forced injections of an untested rushed through trials drug.
Sweden is doing precisely what you suggest. They are letting the old in nursing homes die while they continue pretty much unchanged seeking herd immunity. Sweden has a population of approximately 10 million.

The USA is trying to not overwhelm the medical industry as herd immunity, assuming that's possible, rolls out across the land. We have a population of roughly 330 million.

This isn't about saving the old people its about saving our medical system and via that our societies future. You see if we just rip the bandaid off and go at it like Sweden we stand a very real chance of collapsing our medical system. Precisely what almost happened in New York. What if there had been no MDs or RNs able or willing to go to New York to stem the tide of the dying. If their home hospitals had been filled who would have saved New York's healthcare system?

Doctors and RNs are human. If they reach the point it's suicide for them and its all pointless because the system is overwhelmed they will eventually quit and go home. Then we get to discuss how many of you younger people will die because there will be no one to run a ventilator. For the youngest we'll do Hail Mary's and put them on ECMO. Who has the skill to do that? In an overwhelmed system those children will die because triage wise you can't waste the time.

If you overwhelm the medical system triage becomes ugly, if you crash the system EVERYONE who needs skilled care dies. It won't just be the old that dies it will be the youngest and sometimes the brightest.

Read this:
We are on the razor's edge and I pray that this RNA virus is heat and humidity sensitive. Because if it's not we could be in desperate straits soon.
You advocate letting people die by diverting the healthcare they have earned. You valuate them at zero.
Not zero. And by your admission you advocate for starving children, hardship for milllions, and decreased quality of life for generations to come. Explain yourself.

I think I explained my position pretty well here
I never ment ah, fuck the old people, they're worthless. But the average age of people dying is 80 (median age is 80, average age is debatable because of data but I will argue it's close to 80, see italy and new york city), more than 50% have three or more comorbidities, these are not healthy people. Yes, we need to take their wishes into account, but there are 280 million more people to consider too. How many children are going hungry because of this, not just here but in countries we export to such as africa. How many children are missing an education right now, how many people are dying or suffering because of missed surgeries. That is all, when you weigh it out, the scale tips heavily in favour of the young who are still yet to contribute to the economy rather than the old who have not only stopped contributing, but now are net losses. Sucks but it's reality.
Sweden is doing precisely what you suggest. They are letting the old in nursing homes die while they continue pretty much unchanged seeking herd immunity. Sweden has a population of approximately 10 million.

The USA is trying to not overwhelm the medical industry as herd immunity, assuming that's possible, rolls out across the land. We have a population of roughly 330 million.
Thank you for the well thought out reply. It is a good observation that everywhere will have different challenges and thus different solutions.

I agree that overwhelming the hospitals is possible, but I don't see it as likely here or in much of the rural us as long as there are no mass gatherings like parades, spring break, live sporting events and concerts. As I mentioned above we have 200 people in icu out of 15 million, if we want to get through this faster (because containment is clearly not possible) we should have 5 times that number and we would still not be close to overwhelming the hospitals because we have 35000 hospital beds, some 2000 of which are usually free at any given moment.

The other reason we won't see nyc or italy elsewhere is because italy has the oldest population in the world, and nyc has an insane population density (more than 5x that of buffalo which is a fairly large city).
Not zero. And by your admission you advocate for starving children, hardship for milllions, and decreased quality of life for generations to come. Explain yourself.

I think I explained my position pretty well here
Your presumptive explanation contradicts your other posts. This robs your smear of power.
They randomly tested thousands of people here for antibodies and 12% were positive. That's like 4 million people who have had the virus with just over 2000 killed. A 0.05% mortality rate... less than the flu.

Time to go back to work...