Anyone play "Weed Farmer" on Android?


Well-Known Member
I started playing a few days ago, but every plant so far has been a male. Am I doing something wrong?
Any tips? I've seen the unlimited money hack but seems to cost real money lol.


Well-Known Member
Damn! Never herd of it!! Would you mind posting the link, so I can get the DL?? Please & thank you. ;) oh! Check out my "real" grow bro, its in my signature.. let me know what u think??


Well-Known Member
I paid for the 5dollar one and that game makes me feel like a retard i cant figure it out for the life of me


Well-Known Member
So... While we're smoking last harvest, waiting on next harvest, we should play a game that makes us feel super-tarded about our ability to grow?

I'm in!


Well-Known Member
OMG!! They even have a app called "nose candy"!! Damn! Talking about teaching "kids" to do dope!! And some people wonder "why" kids get on shit!! Hummm, let's see!

Hey mommy what this white stuff that this guys snorting up his nose on this app?!!
Damn! Go figure!!


Well-Known Member
Don't hate...

We had D.A.R.E. Remember how that worked out? Marijuana scare tactics, to keep kids away from things like coke and meth backfired, kids thought "hey, weed's actually not bad, and they said it was the WORST of all drugs!" ... Oops.

Those games (just like androids, and iphones) are meant for adults, or people mature enough to handle a computer that stores every bit of their personal information... If they're too immature and they still have it -- let it go man, they're already fucked, these games won't hurt them any more than life will.


Well-Known Member
Don't hate...

We had D.A.R.E. Remember how that worked out? Marijuana scare tactics, to keep kids away from things like coke and meth backfired, kids thought "hey, weed's actually not bad, and they said it was the WORST of all drugs!" ... Oops.

Those games (just like androids, and iphones) are meant for adults, or people mature enough to handle a computer that stores every bit of their personal information... If they're too immature and they still have it -- let it go man, they're already fucked, these games won't hurt them any more than life will.

Bro I don't "hate" on NO one! and what I said makes perfect since.
Hell, I was an "addict" myself for over 5+ yrs. So I know all about it.
All i m saying is it seems like gmaes such as "nose candy" would be blocked,
So say a "child" wouldn't see/play it is all. No harm done! And let's say,
Would you let/like if your "child" if you have any played that particular game?
I wouldn't think you would. But some parents could care less what there children
Do! Not directed at you, just sad truth! And as far as "parent" back in the day telling
There children that weed is just as bad as any other drug was/is wrong! Because as
You mentioned once they try it they then see "hey" that's not like mom & dad said!!
Then they try somthing else!! And I know the app/game was intended for "adults".
All I'm saying is it seems there ortta be some sort of block on it, so that "children"
Can't play it is all. And even if there was, one would fib about there age & play it
Regardless, more then likely!! Who knows anymore... later bro..


Well-Known Member
You bet Jack. Its kinda fun once you get the hang of it.
Save the politics for the other section please. Lets get back on topic guys.


Well-Known Member
You bet Jack. Its kinda fun once you get the hang of it.
Save the politics for the other section please. Lets get back on topic guys.
No politics, just raw truth! No one seems to wanna hear the "truth" now a days it seems like. Everyone would rather you tell um a lie I guess.. later..