anyone.......please take a look


Active Member
so i've been searching the threads but can't find and answer

when removing ball sacks from can u tell if it's not early bud growth...

and do u just cut the clusters at the base....(there are a few sites that look like grape bunches)

is it okay to remove the pollen sack when i has a pistil protruding from it...along with the banna looking things surronding it.


if you got a hermie your best bet is to just kill it...

all it takes is that one missed pollen sack to really mess up your day


Active Member
this is my first grow..and only i would like to see it through for learning please understand...that i would hate to kill my baby


everyone will say "KILL IT" but if its your only plant or firs grow start new seeds right away and experiment on the hermie so you know what to expect from a herm or can observe the natural occurances of the plant cycles. some good will come of it.
also dont put it anywhere near other known females


Well-Known Member
like keenly said best option if youre growing other plants is to junk it.
BUT, if its your only plant and you can be bothered to pick the balls off every coupla days you'll get some smokable bud, altho prolly not much.
You could use Dutch masters Reverse + Penetator if you can get a bottle of each ASAP, it worked fine on the one hermie i tried it on, and my buddys used it too with good results..just be sure to reapply as the botle suggests.