Anyone REALLY Good With Computers? Im Stumped

I am having some issue w/ my PC.. ( I am runing vista 64 ) . When I attempt to put something in the shopping cart on Attitudes new site, it dosnt work.. The shopping cart just isnt showing up for me.. I made a thread about it here > but still cannot find out wtf is wrong.. I have tried several diff browsers and security settings as well as updated everything including flash / java etc... BTW, it will work from another PC in my home but not from my PC.. The other PC is running Win XP ( I dont know if that has anything to do with it ) though.

If ANYONE has any ideas please let me know.


Active Member
Internet Explorer is a piece of shit. I dont know why people still use it. Get on with the times.


Well-Known Member
are you running IE8?

You could try switching to 'compatibility mode' for this site, there should be a button to the right of the address for it.


Active Member
Now that IE has tabbing I like it lol.. I dont use any plugins etc so I dont use forefox etc.
90% of the world's viruses, trojans, and worms are written for Internet Explorer.

Is that argument enough for you to stop using the piece of shit?

If you know there's problems with Internet Explorer, why the fuck did you start this retarded thread?

You dont have to use plugins with firefox, what a retarded reason for not using it and suffering with Internet Explorer.

use Chrome, Safari, Opera on Windows.