Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I know there're plenty of reviews, but the dynamics of success seem to change over time.

So, anyone recieved seeds to Australia recently? If so, through which Bank?


Active Member
I know there're plenty of reviews, but the dynamics of success seem to change over time.

So, anyone recieved seeds to Australia recently? If so, through which Bank?
I did. Took 3/4 weeks but it arrived . I bought it from demon seeds.

Still waiting on my attitude.order though

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
How long ago'd you order the Attitude lot?

I heard Demonseeds were having alot of packages seized by customs, cos their stealth packaging was somehow compromised. Did they all germinate, or all you've planted so far? And are they the right seeds? Maybe it doesn't really HOW stealthy the package it, customs has the authority to rip open any package they want,.. maybe it's just 100% luck *shrug*

Still, If one company gets it right 90% of the time I guess they're the best option.. Though I wouldn't wanna be that 10% who miss-out


Active Member
How long ago'd you order the Attitude lot?

I heard Demonseeds were having alot of packages seized by customs, cos their stealth packaging was somehow compromised. Did they all germinate, or all you've planted so far? And are they the right seeds? Maybe it doesn't really HOW stealthy the package it, customs has the authority to rip open any package they want,.. maybe it's just 100% luck *shrug*

Still, If one company gets it right 90% of the time I guess they're the best option.. Though I wouldn't wanna be that 10% who miss-out
I dont know but I got em n yeah all the right seeds. I just had a seed crack this morning its a white widow..
I got my demonseed.order a few days ago I put a post up in reviews.

Attitude was.ordered.about.2 weeks ago

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I ordered through SoS around 2 weeks ago too.

All these bludgey public holidays fuck up the post I reakon.

Next time I'll just not even bother till AFTER xmas, if I order anything around this time of year ;)


Well-Known Member
try attitude. they offer worldwide shipping, and ive seen aussie members on here saying it worked for them, good luck! ;)


I ordered from Nirvana about 2 months ago.
Arrived to my P.O box in 2 weeks.

Exactly what i ordered.
Packed kinda like a letter which i thought was great.

All beans popped within 24 hours. 7 survived out of 10 seeds.

i would definately order from them again.

It could just be the holidays as to why you are still waiting GrassCity.

Good luck


I'm waiting on an attitude order sent 3 December. The tracking status for the past 3 weeks is that the item
has arrived in ### AUSTRALIA and is being processed for delivery.

Usually the stuff that gets through will say something like "passed to the overseas mail service for delivery" within a day or two.... so yep d
on't think it's going to get through this time. :-(


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting on an attitude order sent 3 December. The tracking status for the past 3 weeks is that the item
has arrived in ### AUSTRALIA and is being processed for delivery.

Usually the stuff that gets through will say something like "passed to the overseas mail service for delivery" within a day or two.... so yep d
on't think it's going to get through this time. :-(
dont worry about the tracking. its holiday season and that slows everything down. i had the tracking say it was NYC when it was really sitting in my lap half across the country. also, i've had orders take over 20 days from attitude and im alot closer than Australia.

Deza, if after a month you dont have your attitude order, i'd send them an email simply saying your package never arrived (if you got guaranteed shipping that is) ;)


Active Member
My order came in today!!! woo hoo!! ( australia)


i havnt looked at the freebies yet.


Active Member
I'm waiting on an attitude order sent 3 December. The tracking status for the past 3 weeks is that the item
has arrived in ### AUSTRALIA and is being processed for delivery.

Usually the stuff that gets through will say something like "passed to the overseas mail service for delivery" within a day or two.... so yep d
on't think it's going to get through this time. :-(
i recieved my order today; must have been the christmas holiday break that slowed it down.


Active Member
I know there're plenty of reviews, but the dynamics of success seem to change over time.

So, anyone recieved seeds to Australia recently? If so, through which Bank?
just an update for you..

got my order from DEMONSEEDS into australia last week.

and i got my order from ATTITUDE today.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Way to go dood :) :thumbsup: :)

I'm still waitin on an order, but I have an ounce comin next couple of days, hopefully I'll be able to dig a few seeds outta that - though the sample 1/8th I got is all completely seedless,..

When'd I order mine.. woulda been, bout 18th-22nd december. Hope they come. Though it looks like I'll be moving soon, so the less plants I have to move with me, the better at the moment.


Way to go dood :) :thumbsup: :)

I'm still waitin on an order, but I have an ounce comin next couple of days, hopefully I'll be able to dig a few seeds outta that - though the sample 1/8th I got is all completely seedless,..

When'd I order mine.. woulda been, bout 18th-22nd december. Hope they come. Though it looks like I'll be moving soon, so the less plants I have to move with me, the better at the moment.
Hahaha good luck with moving Grass.

I had to move about 4 months ago and i still had about 80 plants left in bloom. It stressed the hell out of them. Only got about 9 oz out of those that time.

As an aside Grass i picked up some colloidal silver today $21 for 500ml of it.
Gonna start me a seed production wardrobe and see how it goes.

@ Deza good to hear that you finally got your seeds.
I know the nail biting period until they arrive.

My first time i was thinking is the mail man going to turn up or the Feds. LOL

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Packaged arrive today, at around 4pm. :)

They're all dark, solid, and healthy looking, every seed is there and are that nice dark brown/grey colour.

I ordered from Sea of Seeds on the 18th (or somewhere round there), Arrived in Australia a day later, then today - customs I spose finally let em move on and they're here.