Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Woohoo you all in business then. Good on ya mate
Yah, apparently.

Though, I am a bit concerned, that of the 4 I stuck in water overnight none have split their shells yet.

I know, it's only been.. 20 hours, but in the past, I've found fresh seeds have almost always split in water after one day. These ones aren't showing any interest.

I won't mention the packaging, but it even took ME a while to find the little fuckers myself, and I KNEW they were in there somewhere :)

I spose I'll give em a few days before I stick some more in. If they haven't cracked their shells in 3 days, I'll assume they're dead. The all LOOK perfectly solid, dark, and viable. Mm..


Looks can be deceiving mate.
Lol I'm not one to talk really cause I've only germinated seeds once.

I germinated 10 4 split within 12 hours the rest took between 24 and 48 hours using the paper towel method.

Patience, patience patience.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I stuck em in the sun, in their glasses of water, and they cracked within the hour :)

Musta been the heat they wanted. Or the direct light.


Nice one. make sure you post a few pics man.

Lol i love playing god with new born plants.

Muah ha ha ha ha ha we have the power to make them live or die. LOL


Active Member
im having problems getting mine to sprout.. they germinated. i planted.. 4 days. no sprout.. is this normal?


im having problems getting mine to sprout.. they germinated. i planted.. 4 days. no sprout.. is this normal?
I'm not sure.
How deep did you bury them?

Can you dig around the seed to see what is going on?

I planted in rock wool cube once the germinated and didn't cover them up so i could see what's going on.

I think mine got sprouts within 4 days.
Check out the link in my sig and thats got pics of only a few days old.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
im having problems getting mine to sprout.. they germinated. i planted.. 4 days. no sprout.. is this normal?
Depends on the depth like Chad said, but also temperature.

If you've had cold days/nights, that'll slow em down.

If you can, place your seedlings pots in the sun, long as it's "Dried-out-dead-in-20mins" kinda hot, they'll warm up at least during the day, and move faster.

I started my seeds two days ago in water, then an hour later changed my mind and replanted in rokwool, THEN a few hours later realized, that I wanted to put em in the organic yummo mix I'd made for them as SOON as they split, so I took em out the rockwool, back into water.

After 24 hours they didn't sprout, so I stuck em on some hot bricks in their glasses - in the sun - and within the hour BANG.. tap-root starts emerging.

SO yesterday I plant em about 1/3rd of an inch under the surface, and they haven't sprouted yet. I reakon it's the cold last night .. but they should be fine.


How are your night time temps Grass.
Ours here are still very warm in the lows 20's i think.

I also have a heated germination tray which i guess would help a lot too.

Pop the seeds in chuck the cover on and Bob's your father's brother.
All a stable temperature.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
It's been stinkin' hot all night AND day the last week, but last night a cool change came in, just after so much warm whether. The tap-root's still white and healthy, but I've resisted the urge to dig further: Hard as it is to do :)

they'll be right, and if they can't handle a cool change, then they're weak anyhow :)


Fair enough.

I got some chillies in my propagator at the moment.
Damn they are slow. 1 week to pop a root out.