Anyone recognize this sativa strain.13 finger leaves!

Cali connection . I had six outta six of their purple chem herm on me in my first feminized grow. I then did dinafem cheese. It really rocked. Basic kick ass strain.
You mean the skunk resemblance could be from the afghani genes. What makes you say Afghani. The lack of branching? Leaf width?
Those two are clues too but the tight nodes are rare with pure sativa and most hazes stretch a lot more too. Skunk has also afghani in it.
Well obviously. You must be the type the never ask for help.
A bit sarcastic aren't we? I will reply in kind...

No, I am the type that does not ask for answers to a ridiculous question. Have you looked at a list of different commercial, not to mention the MANY private breeders? Consider all the strains out there...and all of their pheno types...Literally tens of 1,000s of different genetics out there, with more coming everyday. How would it be possible for ANYONE to guess what strain a bag seed is??

Put on a blindfold and throw a penny into a take off the blindfold...which penny is yours??

C'mon dude...really??
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Many plants carry genetic traits that are obvious such as leaf structure, height, branching, number of internodes, ect. These traits can at least help us narrow it down. Like I said I would bet money that itis has some Haze or Skunk. I definitely is an awesome plant though.

Well, you got me let me take another look at your pic........Yup, looks like that is absolutely positively and definitely some kind of cannabis plant... IMHO.
Well, you got me let me take another look at your pic........Yup, looks like that is absolutely positively and definitely some kind of cannabis plant... IMHO.
Maybe if you had more KNOWLEDGE and experience you could narrow it down for him. There may be ten of thousands of varieties as you say, but most of them are still kush, skunk, haze hybrids. If you grown kush or afghani for a long time and then grow sativas or haze hybrids it's easy to see they are very different. It's not possible to say what strain it is but knowing what it's not helps narrow it down. He's not asking for a name. Have you never grown from bagseed and wondered what it was?
Thank you my friendly Canadian. Exactly. I want HELP getting an idea. Not reasons why I will never know. Thank you the help.
No one could possibly know what your bagseed is, based on sight alone. Everyone that has a definitive answer will be either fucking with you, or as clueless as you and playing it off.
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I'm fucking with you. You think I don't know this. But your an idiot if you don't value another growers input. If someone had had a strain that looked similar I would like to know. Particularly the leaf mutation which is why I originally posted this thread.
I didn't say anything mean, you child. In fact, I was pretty nice. Learn to take criticism. In any case, a mutation doesn't make your plant special. If it looks good, it doesn't matter what the strain is.
If you don't have something nice to say then don't say it. I recall this whole idiotic troll training ground of a thread started because you were a sarcastic smart ass....

Anyway, there are real growerz here on RIU that have serious questions. So, I will waste no more time on you...
Maybe if you had more KNOWLEDGE and experience you could narrow it down for him. There may be ten of thousands of varieties as you say, but most of them are still kush, skunk, haze hybrids. If you grown kush or afghani for a long time and then grow sativas or haze hybrids it's easy to see they are very different. It's not possible to say what strain it is but knowing what it's not helps narrow it down. He's not asking for a name. Have you never grown from bagseed and wondered what it was?

1st, yes I have done 1 grow with bag seed...did not know what it was and did not care enough to ask others an unanswerable question...

2nd, My original point was that no one can identify strain without knowing the genetics of a plant. So you have agreed with my point...why are you being such a jackass?

3rd...The title of this thread asks if anyone can recognize this the OP is indeed asking for a name.

Geeze wonder why we Americans call y'all Canidiots...I am done with you as well. :peace::peace:
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