Anyone Run Promix-BX


Well-Known Member
Need help with Promix BX soil, currently running them in 3galloon pots, everytime i get into Flower they start getting all kinds of deficiencies.

as its in Veg i would only water each pot 1 litre of water and on feedings 1 litre of water + a little bit of nutes enough to keep them growing to there new size slowly ramping up
but in flower i was told i should be having run off each time i water/feed but these pots wont dry at all when im feeding/watering.

Im sure this is suppose to be super simple so what the hell do you guys do?
Googled the hell out of this and i couldnt find an answer


Well-Known Member
I use pro mix hp but I can tell you this. In a 3g pot they will take 1g of water at feedings/waterings. It makes it easy to measure out. At that amount there's just enough to saturate and let you know.


Well-Known Member
I use pro mix hp but I can tell you this. In a 3g pot they will take 1g of water at feedings/waterings. It makes it easy to measure out. At that amount there's just enough to saturate and let you know.
so is it alright if i dont cause any run off and just water them/ feed them a little every week? How do u water your HP, the guy at the store says 3.5litres each 3g pot every 3-4days
so wednesday and sunday(feedday)


Well-Known Member
Oh ok so that's about right although technically speaking I'm giving them 4L instead of 3.8.
Give them 4L. You'll see just a dribble out of the bottom.
Don't go by time for when to water/feed. Go by pot weight. Seriously this is the best way. When the pot is light, then saturate as described above. Only water again when the pot is light. You'll know because it's like lifting an empty pot. If you're not sure, wait another day.


Well-Known Member
Oh ok so that's about right although technically speaking I'm giving them 4L instead of 3.8.
Give them 4L. You'll see just a dribble out of the bottom.
Don't go by time for when to water/feed. Go by pot weight. Seriously this is the best way. When the pot is light, then saturate as described above. Only water again when the pot is light. You'll know because it's like lifting an empty pot. If you're not sure, wait another day.
ok so basically just wait until my soil dries out, its BX after all and itll take a long time to dry out probably 7-10days, since i just fed them the last time at 980PPM do i just saturate them with water or do i feed them about 200PPM so it goes up a bit?


Well-Known Member
Im sorry I don't measure ec/ppm etc. my tap water is ok to use and then I just add the directions on the bottle. You can err on the side of caution and start at 1/2 strength and work your way up if they're ok.


Well-Known Member
You should water fully in veg too. And let it dry out. If it takes longer than 10 days up pot slower. This way the roots have to grow and chase the last of the moisture. So when you flip , the roots are better established


Well-Known Member
You should water fully in veg too. And let it dry out. If it takes longer than 10 days up pot slower. This way the roots have to grow and chase the last of the moisture. So when you flip , the roots are better established
ok ill try letting the pot dry out a lot more now then, currently only watering 1 litre and i think since ive been doing wed/sunday its usually always a bit moist but ill just see how it goes for now on


Well-Known Member
How old are your plants?
You mention some kind of growing history, may I ask what happened?


Well-Known Member
How old are your plants?
You mention some kind of growing history, may I ask what happened?
right now i have 15 beautiful Blue Glues that are in the veg room that ive been only watering with very little food, about 1litre per 3g. ill take some pictures so you guys could see
then my Chocolate mint OG's got about 10 of them but theyre all different colors some are nice green etc, i did the whole 3.5litres per 3g and it went ok and caused some of my plants to stop yellowing and go green, but after i did a straight ph water day, a day before the feed my nicest plant started to get a bunch of brown marks in the middle of the plant, most of the deficiencies start in the middle of the plants leaves.

my prior was master grape which i had about 7 plants in total and i believe they hermied and i got a yield of 230g, those were in HP but i wasnt doing what the guy at the store said to do which im doing now but it turns out i shouldnt even be doing it with the promix-bx...
my last batch after the master grape was super critical, i had about 9 plants and they also ended up with 230g, still had a bunch of deficiencies that i couldnt fix, plus im sure i stopped feeding them food 4 weeks before harvest to "flush them"

Atm i have Blue Glue veg week 2, Master kush Seedling week 2, Big Kush Flower week 7, Chocolate mint OG week 2.
my big kush plants all look pretty destroyed, sept the buds looks nice just theyre small for what week there in i believe. ill post some pics


Well-Known Member
Also n those veg plants im noticing the middle branches/leaves are darker then the lower ones and the newer growth.. plus some of the branches are purple


Well-Known Member
Looks like those plants got really badly nute burned.
The ones in the second week of flower, they started getting those problems after i watered them with 6.3ph'd water.. prior when i checked the ruff off it was at like 1900ppm and they were totally green and fine. honestly im quite confused about alot of this, im not sure how to grow in BX without any nutrient deficiencies


Well-Known Member
My suggestion for anyone having these issues is to get off the salt fertilizers and get with something like general organics. I threw away my meters years ago, and will never go back to pH'ing anything. It's a pain in the ass, just adds more time to what you're doing, and when shit goes south they can be a real problem. Get yourself a general organics "Go Box" if you want to try it, and I promise you'll throw your pH equipment away and never look back. Crispy plants are a bummer.


Well-Known Member
i have done 2 go box crops and 2 with chem ferts. i had many more issues with the go box. first go box i didnt ph and second one i did slightly up ph to 6.0-6.3 range