King Congo, (Congo Point Noire X Higland South African Ciskei), (worked by Aeros aka Areitos, HombreDeBarro, & Charles Darweed), Tropical Seeds Company; (borned June-23), in September-11:
(6 nudos inferiores podados:12 ramas, 6 down internodes pruned: 12 branches); ( more than 2 metres of higth) :
...a piece of the Black África florewin in Monte Adentro...
Tropical is a company?? I would love to get someone in India or south America to breed some seeds for me send him some good bad seeds and get him to breed .
... Well, I musted to left Monte Adentro on 2017-October-20 in order to work outside of my land, harvesting just like more than half of the King Congo (Congo Point NoireXSouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands; borned June-23) and leaving her like that, assuming that when I returned a month later I would only find dry straw or a mushroom farm ...
...I was very sad about leave my African lady alone without any care...
...but African women are the strongest arround World...
... But the day 2017-November-23 when I were able to came home again, more than a month later without watering or any care, I had this big happy surprise ...
On the flavor of mine King Congo (Congo Point Noire X SouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands) this season in La Perrera, the part that was harvested before October-20, it tastes and smells, from more to less intense, to noble woods, moss / chlorophyll, spices, and an end to kiwi:
However, in the harvested part after November-20, the dominant flavor and odor, by far, is a strong smellin' n taste, a delicious mixture of mandarin / sweet carrot / red berries & red wine's grapes..
About mine King Congo (Congo Point Noire X SouthAfrican Ciskei Higlands) psicoactivity, I describe it using the usual terminology in Spain, which classifies the different types of sativa effects such as:
1- Lysergic or "trippy".
2- Electrical or energetical or exciting or caffeine or speedy or anphetaminic.
3- Euphoric or positives.
4- Introspective or creative or cerebral.
5- Indica's tendencias.
For me, this King Congo would be type 4- Introspective / Creative / Cerebral; Clean and clear effect, cerebrally stimulating, and slightly 2- Physically exciting (more " energétic" than "eléctrica", without anxiousity, an slightly 3-Positives or Euphorical (more " positive" than "euphorical"...
Medium/High to High Power of psicoactivity.
Good to brings you the sativa's hot during the cold Winter...