Anyone see War Horse?

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I can't get my hubby out to the movies often, like once a year. I don't want to waste this chance for a good night out.

If not War Horse what would be the suggestion?


Well-Known Member
Not yet, but I really want to see it, being a horse enthusiast. I saw a scene of it as part of the stage version finale at the International Horse Show last year. Amazing. The movie looks pretty good too. I like Steven Spielberg's storytelling style and preference to not always taking the obvious route with how the audience is 'supposed' to perceive certain things... Hard to explain.

I fucking loved black beauty, I'll like this :3


Well-Known Member
I really want to see the descendants but I'll have to wait until they have a good quality one online or whenever it comes to netflix.

Those movie theater seats kill my back.


New Member
See War Horse? Not only did I see him, I just fed him to my dog! LOL Just joshin! I have not seen this but would like to. And even if it ain't so great, enjoy your 'date night'!