anyone seen this light fixter


has any one seen the 3 arm sun circle? or the 2 arm sun circle, many years ago acouple of buddies had them, there for high presure sodium bulbs and metalide, bulbs, these sun circle fixtures would slowly go clock wise slowly who ever made them was a genius, to water you just had to unplug them the sun circles were fixed to the cealing, to lower the lights they were hooked up to chains per light fixture, for the 3 arm sun circle the compilation of the bulbs were 2 hps and one mh, for the 2 arm one , hps and one mh bulb, perfection light the sun when done watering and or ajusting height then plug the sun circles. another topic there used to be metal hallide "phosphorus" coated buds, some friend said you veggie and flower under them, it had a white purpleish haze to it, i took clones off my champion Afghani #1 strain i flowered them about a week after they took root they finished around 5 to seven inches tall, i even lowered the tempreture to 55 degrees to 50 degrees.. yea it slowed there growth rate up but the buds were like rocks when pinched i dont finger the buds, some turned purple to, they were purple Afgani #1, (sorry i dont spell well) these champion Afgani#1 champion clones from my Afghani #1 champion mothers i picked out ill chat in another post another time