Anyone still actually think Palin is a good choice


Active Member
But does anyone think Obama's Socialism is good? It failed other countries, so why try it here? I work for my money, I don't feel like giving it away to those who don't.


New Member
You already are, ever heard of welfare, medicaid, food stamps? McCain wants to tax peoples health insurance. WTF is that about? Obama wants to stop tax hikes on people that make less than a quarter of a million a year. Unless you are pulling down 250,000 per year, Obamas plan won't touch you.


New Member
and anyone making that much can spare to spread some around... who needs that much money anyways?

its like that dipshit president that is being paid 400,000 a year to do what??? that dumbass is on vacation half the time or picking his ape nose. then he gets a 20,000 dollar expense account... more than many people make in a year.. people who actually work hard


New Member
Don't forget we also have to pay that douche for the rest of his life, then when he dies we still have to pay his wife AND provide secret service protection too. What a waste of money, like GW needs my pitiful tax dollars. The government takes our money and spends it on shit.

I'm trying to convince my husband to move to Canada :bigjoint:

and anyone making that much can spare to spread some around... who needs that much money anyways?

its like that dipshit president that is being paid 400,000 a year to do what??? that dumbass is on vacation half the time or picking his ape nose. then he gets a 20,000 dollar expense account... more than many people make in a year.. people who actually work hard


Well-Known Member
everytime i listen to palin talk, all i can think about is Tina Fay snL, i watched baby momma last night with tina fay in it...she looks just like Palin...Im watching palin on cnbc sounding like a school principle...VOTE OBAMA in will take our country in a new direction...a better one....


New Member
Don't forget we also have to pay that douche for the rest of his life, then when he dies we still have to pay his wife AND provide secret service protection too. What a waste of money, like GW needs my pitiful tax dollars. The government takes our money and spends it on shit.

I'm trying to convince my husband to move to Canada :bigjoint:
Thats been my whole platform ever since ive been on this site. So many people think we shouldnt have to pay so much taxes. But they are ass-backwards. The problem is government spending. There is a MASSIVE propblem with poor government spending with horriblily weak justifications.

Like I'm telling you,,, If I here another goddamn thing about Oil im going to lose it. The next time I hear anything about fuel it better be about an alternative source because its about goddamn time.

Canada's great miss,, still problems but it seems like we are working towards the solution a little better and a little faster. The change is slow so the shock is minimal.
I will tell you one thing about Canada right now though. You will pay a lot more taxes. Our conservatives dropped taxes in their recent term but there was an election called for majority but no body won so... who the fuck knows.

But there is a lot of good being done for the youth, for the disabled, for the mentally straught, for the addicts, for the elderly, for the environment, for peace-keeping (i dont agree with peace-keeping because it is still local citizens in foreign societies with guns,, and i will never agree with it,, but its better than war i guess) and it definately shows :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:bigjoint:

Not to mention our weed is cheap even on the street because we dont have the ridiculous "war or pot" like the U.S. we take the hard drugs off the streets and that it how it should be
Oh, and you can buy marijuana seeds at stores. Pretty cool?