anyone still not flowering?


Well-Known Member
Some of my plants starting flowering on certain nodes about a week before the others, which had me scrambling for a reason why. But eventually the rest of the plant caught up and I'm showing about 2 week old buds on one side and first week buds on the other. I started to kind of panic and look for reasons and came pretty close to sabotaging a distant street light before my wife got me to chill out.

I started to think of it like my tomato plants, get a few flowers at first and eventually the rest catch up. Sadly plants don't follow the scheduals we have planned for them because well.....they are plants. Im a new cannabis grower but I have been growing many other plants for several years now. At this point in the year I'd just sit back relax and let nature run its course and only start to really muck around if I had no flowering a couple weeks from now.


Well-Known Member
you guys got to remember that Laney is growing in the ground and her plants are like 10'-12'. Imagine the size of the taproot on those babies. Although she is not watering them directly during flower they are getting water from the ground. This is why she can let them go so long without watering.
Yes, they are also in clay soil and in a low spot. I have lost (or had stunted) half the crop a couple of years that were way too wet.

I did water every 2-3 days during the brunt of the heat wave here. They were in veg and really needed it. It's drier in late summer/fall so they are also ready for that, epigenetically.


I,m in the northeast and started late June...I,m expericing a growth spert ..about 1/12-2 in a day and its about 4'4 .I am watering it at dusk everyday.Someone said to slow the watering once every 2-3 days to encourage flowering?Anyway I'm told late October to harvest.IMAG0029.jpgIMAG0042.jpgIMAG0044.jpg


Well-Known Member
I'm on pre-flower. Took it 2 weeks to show the white hairs. I feed it everyday with nutes. No burns or anything. I heard its good to feed them in the morning, like feeding it breakfast.
Can i still bend the stem or do i leave it now since its budding? Would bending the plant slow down the flowering process?


Well-Known Member
You can bend back the stem up until 2-3 weeks in flower. Just go slow and she'll be fine.